Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Knowledge Management- Group case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Knowledge Management- Group analysis - Case Study Example Workers, particularly the scientists, are not willing to give up their current practices which they have been practicing since 20 years in the organization (Debowski, 2006). These employees were engaging in the behavioral evolutionary path to learning whereby past practices reflect current learning. Learning by doing was being practiced at an individual level through repetition of practices (Easterby-Smith & Lyles, 2005). A major inhibition to knowledge sharing in this case is significant hoarding of knowledge by new staff that places greater emphasis on individual performance on job as opposed to collective performance. Also, as per the social learning theory, these employees lack motivation towards knowledge sharing at an individual level by considering it as lowering rather than increasing productivity. Furthermore, there the lack of positive reinforcement to reward â€Å"learning†behaviors is evident. As per the behaviorism view, ignorance of behaviors leads to their exti nction (Phillips & Soltis, 2004). This shows how lack of ‘group’ rewards has contributed towards the extinction of knowledge sharing practices amongst scientists who are worried about securing ‘individual’ gains. ... A few key recommendations may be offered in view of the above. Knowledge management must be viewed as an integrated process with an alignment of the new technology, HR and practitioners (employees) (Jashapara, 2004). Hiring a consultant is not enough; there needs to be a systematic process involving interviews, questionnaires and behavioral research to understand the practical issues employees face. It seems at present that there is nil cross-functional communication as far as project teams are concerned. Hence, team members must gather after a project team is formed to discuss the way forward. Managers handling past projects must be encouraged to devote time to sharing their experience with the new project’s team so that they can learn from past mistakes. Furthermore, employees who work on â€Å"eight consecutive projects†must certainly not be categorized as temporary employees as this way the company loses their crucial contribution to knowledge creation. The organiz ational structure ought to be redefined with specific terms of service attributed to temporary and permanent employees. Additional staff also needs to be hired because some employees are simultaneously working on two jobs which increases stress and leaves little scope for knowledge sharing. Keeping in view the geographically dispersed nature of projects in Engineering Division, the development of Communities of Practice (COPs) is encouraged. Finally, there is little attempt towards learning from the best practices of other similar firms. There seems to be no benchmarking which compares the organization’s progress against that of others. Knowledge-oriented firms often operate in a
Monday, October 28, 2019
The evaluation of adults returning to learning. Essay Example for Free
The evaluation of adults returning to learning. Essay There are many advantages to returning to learning as an adult, which ultimately enables the individual satisfied in many positive aspects. However, amongst the advantages, it is highly probably apprehensible that an adult student will face disadvantages to returning to learning as an adult. There is no such thing as a typical adult student, ergo everyone is unique. Nevertheless, it is possible to formulate conceptualise a broad understanding of the supporting arguments and opposing arguments regarding returning to learning as an adult. Completing an academic course is beneficial to everyone, regardless of age, it grants them a formal qualification formal recognition of their achievements, which can then be presented as proof or persuasion or simply kept as a personal achievement, because earning a qualification can be satisfying within its own right, building self-esteem and confidence. One of the disadvantages to returning to learning as an adult is that adult students appear to be less confident in an academic environment opposed to traditional-aged students, according to a July FOXbusiness article. This is due to an academic environment being unfamiliar to most non-traditional-aged adult college students, most adults have been absent from education for many years, juxtaposed to traditional-ages students, 18 or above, who have entered college or university straight from A-levels. Many adult, non-traditional college students experience fear or discomfort within the classroom due to feeling inadequate despite being more motivated to earn a degree compared to traditional-aged students (adult students are less distracted opposed to younger students -theyve already satisfied their impulsive urges within in their youth adults a more likely to appreciate the aspect of education more so than younger students) , according to the statistics in the July FOXbusiness article. One could perceive this as disadvantageous, however, it is more logical to perceive this as a opportunity rather than a limitation. Returning to education as an adult enables an opportunity to learn a superlative piece of skill, confidence. Many adults who return to learning have lost their confidence due to the negative perceptions they have of themselves, however, studying will develop and enhance ones confidence, skills and qualifications. Studying bestow’s upon the adult the ability to adapt to new social situations and the opportunity to trust your own abilities, ergo, to indulge within the self-belief that comes from completing a course successfully, which is advantageous. Amongst other advantages, making new friends isnt a prime reason for enrolling upon a course, but many adults appreciate this as an added bonus. Linked to the gaining the importance of confidence, discovering new people who are in a similar situation with mutual interests is an effective way, of an adult who may have negative perceptions of oneself, of realising that the world around them isnt as alienating as they perceive, ergo, returning to education as an adult presents an opportunity to find yourself, which is certainly advantageous. Besides that, returning to learning as an adult has a functional advantage. It can increase career prospects and earning potential. Despite recent difficulties faced by graduates and school-leavers, it remains the case that people with academic or vocational qualifications are more likely to be employed. Adults particularly find that returning to education increases their opportunity choices regarding career. Also, abiding by national statistics, in 2001, research conducted by LSE found that by gaining a degree a woman can earn up to 26% more than a woman who does not continue her education beyond A LEVELS. A man can earn about 23% more by completing a degree course. Another advantage for adults who are returning to learning is that education for some is a means to escape the familiar routines that they commit to. Many adults may be unhappy or perhaps many adults might be experience the sense of being unfulfilled in their working or social environments. These negative emotions, lead to unwanted actions such as; relationships being affected negatively with others. On the other hand, when an individual is happy feeling fulfilled, relationships improve. Some adults find that unhappiness or stress at work leads to arguments at home. Once education has been used as a means to escape this unhappy working environment, the arguments lessen or disappear completely. Adults find also that relationships with their children improve – they feel more of an affinity with their children, understanding the stresses and strains which are places on them within the education system. Thusly, returning to learning as an adult is advantageous regarding the improvement of relationships through heightening the perception of ones self-worth and therefor, feeling fulfilled. On the contrary however, returning to education has the capability to negatively affect relationships. Returning to school as an adult requires juggling class schedules with family life, work and other personal commitments. Mature students articulate concerns about finding enough time for family members and how to deal with a partner who may not appreciate the idea, according to Deborah Neuheisel, an adult student adviser for the University of Wisconsin-Barron County. One imperative disadvantage to returning to learning as an adult are the financial limitations. An adult may have responsibilities that conventional aged students might not have, such as bills or perhaps a family to provide for. However, the challenge of finding adequate resources to fund a college education provides strong motivation to finish the effort. As a result, adult students are more likely to understand the value of an education and better positioned to focus on what they want to learn. Furthermore, there are sources of government funding that an adult student is entitled to such as, grants and bursaries. Ultimately, it is most advantageous to return to an academic environment as an adult, if required, it will supply one with a formal acknowledgement of achievement which can be used to increase career prospects but amongst all other functions, it enables one the opportunity to stimulate the brain, divert from conventional routine, be given a voice and opportunity to put their thoughts and values forward the opportunity to inspire be inspired.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Yom Kippur Essay -- essays research papers
Yom Kippur      Yom Kippur is the most important holidays for the Jewish. It is a time for people to seek forgiveness from others. Yom Kippur is important because it comes just before the Jewish new year so that people can have a fresh start for the new year. Yom Kippur also gives people a chance to look back on the past year and plan for the upcoming year.      Yom Kippur dates back to biblical times when animals were used to transfer sins to. The first animal that was used was a goat, but soon roosters for males and hens for females were used. The sins were transferred from people to the animals by tying a rope to the fowl's legs and then spinning around the head of the person who was transferring their sins. While the fowl was being spun the person who was transferring their sins would begin chanting. When the ceremony was finished the animal would be sent away into the dessert. Yom Kippur is practiced very differently today. Instead of transferring their sins to animals people donate money to charities and throw stones into ponds.      On the night before Yom Kippur, people prepare for the following day's fast by eating an enourmous meal. Following the meal candles are lit and the Shehecheyanu is recited to bless the candles. The following day is spent at the synogauge where services are conducted all day long. The most important part of the services is when the rabbi asks everyone to take time to seek forgiveness of anyone whom they may have hurt in some way in the past year. People must seek forgiveness because the Jewish feel that forgiveness is not something that may be given, it is something that must be sought after. Not wanting to start the new year with any grudges, the entire congregation gets up and begins seeking forgiveness.      At sundown the fast is over. The congregation leaves the synagouge and goes home. When they get home the break the fast by eating a huge meal. This meal marks the end of Yom Kippur. Timeline of The Hebrews 922 B.C.     Isreal breaks up after the death of Solomon. Splits into a northern and southern kingdom with Shechm the capital of the northern half and Jerusalem as the capital of the southern half. 876 B.C. King Omri makes Samariai new capital. 842 B.C. Queen Jezebel imposes the cul... ... campaign so he cold be consulted at crucial points during the campaign. All of these were done to gain God's will and determine his wishes.      The main form of battle the Hebrews engaged in was siege warfare. They first would attempt to capture the city's water supply. Once they controlled the water they would cut of the supply of food from outside the city. Once they had accomplished these the would wait for months and sometimes years. This would cause the city to resort to it's stored food. Once the stored food ran out, people either died of malnutrition, paid high prices for food on the black market, or resorted to cannibalism. This method of battle proved to be highly effective for the Hebrews.      The reason for much of the Hebrews success was their attitude toward war. Because of their belief that war was holy they got an enormous amount of support from their people. Also, believing that the result of the wars they were fighting was determined by what their God wanted had to have given the Hebrews some hope even when they were losing. Without their attitude towards was the Hebrews would have been a much weaker opponent.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Jealous and Selfish Characters of Shakespeares Othello :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
The Jealous and Selfish Characters of Othello          In the play Othello, there are many jealous and selfish characters. Each of the characters at one point or another let their jealousy take over. It seems like they all have these plots and plans on how to hurt another character in the play either physically or emotionally, as an act of selfishness, so that they can feel better about themselves. One main character who seems extremely jealous in this play is Iago. Infact, probably the most jealous. Many bad things happen because of Iago. The first bad thing that Iago did, was tell Barbantio (Desdamona's father) that Desdemona has married Othello, the Moore. Iago was mad at Othello, because Cassio had made Othello a higher position and not Iago. Iago thought that he was the one who qualified for the position as general, not Othello. Iago was jealous because of this, so he decided to tell Barbantio about Desdemona and Othello. This was bad, because Barbantio did not know yet, and something like that should have been said by his own daugh ter, not someone who was not part of the family. The way Iago went about telling him was also bad. He called to his house in the middle of the night. He yelled it to Barbantio from downstairs into his window in a rude manner. " quote from Othello here." He wanted Barbantio to be upset about what had happened, and most of all, he wanted Barbantio to be mad at Othello and do something bad to him. This was an act of selfishness on Iago's side. Iago's main reason for doing all this, was not to inform Barbantio, but to make everyone dislike Othello so that he could become general. Roderigo also helped out with telling Barbantio about Othello and Desdamona's eloping. The reason Roderigo did this, was not to let Barbantio know for his purposes, but merely for his own selfish reasons. Just as Iago did. Roderigo was in love with Desdemona and wanted to marry her. When he found out that Othello had already married her, he wanted to get rid of him so that he would still have a chance with her. I think that Roderigo may have known that he did not have a chance with Desdemona and that she really did love Othello, and that made him very jealous. He did not like Othello because of this, and that's why he wanted to destroy his reputation.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Achebe’s “An Image of Africa : Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness†Essay
Achebe’s â€Å"An Image of Africa : Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness†(The Massachusetts Review, 18 (1977) : 782 – 94) expresses a passionate objection to Conrad’s point of view and portrayal of Africa and Africans in his novel Heart of Darkness. Achebe’s novel, Things Fall Apart, can be considered the direct opposition to Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and is seen to as a challenge on Conrad’s western views. I shall explore the validity in Achebe’s â€Å"An Image of Africa : Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness†with regards to language, characterisation, religion and culture. Other opinions from critical readings will also be included and referenced to the two novels ( Things Fall Apart & Heart of Darkness ).Achebe felt that Conrad’s Heart of Darkness â€Å"others†Africa and Africans, when he says â€Å"others†he means that it represents the Africans as a colonised people who have li ttle â€Å"common sense†and no authority. Furthermore it shows them as a separate race or species to further illustrate how they were treated as animals and savages. The term â€Å"common sense†used earlier also illustrates how Achebe took offence to the Western ideologies in that â€Å"common sense†is a term invented by Westerners. â€Å"Common sense†is the general term one uses for Western beliefs and values but other cultures (especially African cultures) have not been included as a part of this terminology. African cultures are, in fact, criticized by the term â€Å"common sense†, which once again Achebe took offence to. Achebe felt that Heart of Darkness was also a way of â€Å"writing back to the centre†in that it represented the Western people or Colonists as the dominant and superior force, to Achebe it was an alienation of the Africans and Africa. Heart of Darkness, therefore displaced the Africans in the novel; instead of them seeming good and familiar, they were distanced fro m the reader. Hence, one can see how Achebe was a strong believer in the â€Å"Postcolonial Theory†whereby he mostly challenged but also reflected upon modern European colonisation. Brantlinger’s paper discusses the different views on colonisation by explaining five differents stances taken. According to Brantlinger the abolitionist stance (despite its good intentions) pitied the Africans and tried to fight for the Africans, but at the same time it did not occur to them that Africans were also intelligent people who could fight their own battles. It was hence seen that the abolitionists too, were treating the Africans as inferior. His discussion of the explorer’s stance illustrates how the explorers exploited Africa and destroyed its people because the explorers saw the Africans as a sub-race of savages who had little to no importance. Brantlinger also shows how scientists saw the Africans as a separate species to humans and that Africans were thought to be animals. Scientists theorised, through Social Darwinism, that the Africans would either have to survive of sucumb. To them the Africans were expendable. To Brantlinger the missionaries considered the Africans as a race of pagans and heathens who needed to be converted to the â€Å"Good Faith†, Christianity, and they did not consider that the Africans may very well have had their own religion and set of beliefs. Furthermore, Brantlinger illustrated how the Western writers portrayed Africans as a sub-race of savages (or as an inferior group of people) who needed pity and a push in the right direction towards their Western ways. His statements, †The constant association of Africa with the inhuman violence of the slave trade did much to darken its landscape even during the romantic period.†and †By mid-century, the success of the anti-slavery movement, the impact of the great explorers, and the merger of racist and evolutionary doctrines in the social sciences had combined to give the British public a widely shared view of Africa that demanded imperialisation on moral, religious and scientific grounds. It is this view that I have called the myth of the Dark Continent†are prime examples of how he see people to have incorrect notions about Africa and Africans. His views are highly suited to Achebe’s â€Å"An Image of Africa : Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness†in that they show how a white, westernised person sees the same racism eminent in todays literature as Achebe it sees in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, only Brantlinger does not directly attack any one specific book or person. Instead Brantlinger presents his view in a factual and justified manner which further helps support Achebe because he makes it easier to believe and understand him when he uses factual information rather than exclusively his opinions. Brookes wrote a paper on how certain stereotypes of Africa have been created and how they are perpetuated in newspapers today. Headlines such as, â€Å"Why give life-blood to this heart of darkness?†were analysed and according to Brookes this headline and others like it â€Å"†¦ result in the foregrounding of Africa as violent, repressive and helpless†¦ They set up opposites where Africa is on the one side and is held up against a standard which it apparently does not meet†. Brookes’ analysis and opinions are highly relevant in that she illustrates how certain stereotypes and ideas on Africa have become second nature and are even printed in chronicles which are supposed to be factual recollections of events. Brookes does so by discussing certain gramatical, wording and representation trends associated with Africa and this shows that these ideals are wrong and racist, one should not be allowed to perpetuate such incorrect stereotype of Africans. At the same time Brookes’ paper can also discredit Achebe, because it shows that perhaps Conrad’s reason for Heart of Darkness being a racist novel is because certain stereotypes are printed in the press each day and he simply did not know any better. Achebe’s article, â€Å"An Image of Africa : Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness†, shows that Achebe feels that Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is racist and it perpetuates a certain incorrect view on Africans. He is offended by Conrad’s racism and insensitivity towards Africans. †Heart of Darkness pojects the image of Africa as â€Å"the other world,†the antithesis of Europe and therefore of civilization, a place where man’s vaunted intelligence and refinement are finally mocked by triumphant bestiality.†Here Achebe shows exactly how he feels about Heart of Darkness. Achebe sees Marlowe and Conrad as the same person and hence because Marlowe, the narrator in Heart of Darkness, is ignorant and racist†¦ Achebe immediatly assumes that Conrad holds the same views. Achebe feels that Conrad represents the colonists as superior somewhat god-like and that the Africans in Heart of Drakness are shown as savages, heathens and inf idels and they are seen to be inferior. Not only is this perception of Africans conveyed but Africa is also seen as a dark and mystical place which threatens everything that is foreign. Furthermore Achebe feels that Heart of Darkness creates the impression that Africa infects the Western people and drives them mad, as happened to Kurtz : â€Å"Consequently Africa is something to be avoided just as the picture has to be hidden away to safeguard the man’s jeopardous integrity. Keep away from Africa or else! Mr Kurtz of Heart of Darkness should have heeded that warning †¦ But he foolishly exposed himself to the wild irresistable allure of the jungle and lo! the darkness found him out.†Achebe also feels that Conrad is also trying to convert people to his racist ways and infect them with his â€Å"xenophobia†(fear of foreigners). Achebe not only sees Conrad as a â€Å"thoroughgoing racist†and is offended by it but he is also offended by the fact that nobody has challenged Heart of Darkness and its racism, but they praise and study this book instead. C.P. Sarvan also wrote a critique on Heart of Darkness and Achebe’s article. He was, however, far less extreme than Achebe. Furthermore, he looks at the story from both sides and he weighs up both the Authors’ strengths and weaknesses. Sarvan discusses how in Heart of Darkness the colonists are actually corrupt and rotten to the core and instead of Africa being shown as an entirely bad and deep dark continent, Sarvan sees some type of of set used to highlight how the colonists were deranged and not at all pure, as the African people were. Sarvan quotes a critic who said, â€Å"Africa per per se is not the theme of Heart of Darkness, but it is used as a locale symbol for the very core of an ‘accursed inheritance†. This quote along with Sarvan’s opinion that â€Å"the story may be seen as an allegory, the journey ending with the sombre realisation of the darkness of man’s heart.†show how in Heart of Darkness Conrad does not simply want to discredit Africa and show to be a dark black hole which is to be feared, rather that it actually illustrates how the colonists could learn goodness and purity from the Africans. In contrast to Achebe, Sarvan also sees Marlowe and Conrad as totally separate people and he thinks that Marlowe’s views are not necessarily the same as Conrad’s. Sarvan considers all the evidence and he concludes that in some parts of Heart of Darkness Conrad does tend to project racist view points, but by the same token Conrad also criticises the Colonists, their way of life and their lack of morals and ethics. In both Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness there is certain language and diction which is used, the language used conveys a certain opinion and attitude toward what is being said. If one is to look at Brooke’s paper it can be seen that certain words are used to convey certain images of Africa, and at times even a certain gramatical structure is associated with Africa. If one looks at the language used in Heart of Darkness certain words can be picked out and seen as racist but also there are words which are not racist towards the Africans and rather they discredit the colonists. For example: â€Å"The Man seemed young – almost a boy – but you know with them it’s hard to tell.†( Heart of Darkness, Penguin Classics 2000, pg35, line 21). Here one can consider this to be a racist comment as it creates a distance between the Africans and the colonists, but it can also be seen as a perfectly innocent and ignorant comment because it’s natural to have trouble understanding that which you do not know. A very similar comment is made in the same novel, however it is made with regard to the white men, it’s as follows â€Å"†¦ white men being so much alike at a distance that he could not tell who I might be.†(Heart of Darkness, Penguin Classics 2000, pg 33, line 27) In Things Fall Apart there are also times when it can be criticised for the language used – Achebe describes the white missionaries as â€Å"four eyes†and here it is further illustrated that the Africans are now finding that which they are not familiar with troublesome and hard to understand. So when one weighs the two different descriptions from Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness up it can be seen that certain language can be seen as racist even if that is not the intent. Furthermore when Conrad writes, â€Å"Fine fellows – cannibals – in their place.†(Heart of Darkness, Penguin Classics 2000, pg 61, line 6) you can both criticise and praise this quote. Although it does distance the Africans when he says â€Å"their place†and it could be seen as insulting to call the Africans â€Å"cannibals†, Conrad also presents the Africans in a friendly manner and he shows some kind of kinship with them when he says â€Å"Fine fellows†. Finally, there are many times when Conrad uses insulting language with regards to the Africans but he also uses language which praises them, so Achebe is not entirely correct when he says that Conrad’s book Heart of Darkness â€Å"parades in the most vulgar fashion prejudices and insults†¦Ã¢â‚¬ In Things Fall Apart one is able to learn about the African religion and at the same time the Western religion is presented to the reader, neither is said to be right nor wrong. The advantages and disadvantages of both religions are expressed to the reader and prejudice is not shown towards either religion. In Heart of Darkness however, only the Western religion is shown and it is not even considered that the African Savages may possibly have a perfectly good set of morals and a decent religion. One is exposed to the Western religion and it is seen as the be all and end all. The characters in Heart of Darkness are also portrayed to only believe in one certain religion and that religion (christianity) is the â€Å"saviour†of the primitive, savage Africans. For example this can be seen when Conrad writes, †Something like an emissary of light, somethng like a lower sort of apostle†¦ ‘weaning those ignorant millions from their horrid ways,’†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Heart of Darkness, Penguin Classics 2000, pg 28, line 17). Brantlingers paper further illustrates this as well as shows that this was a Victorian ideal. Hence, with regard to religion the only religion really shown in Heart of Darkness is christianity and it is not questioned or compared to an African religion, as the two religions in Things Fall Apart are. Culture in both Achebe and Conrad’s novels is explored on two fronts : an African front and a Western front. In Things Fall Apart the more dominant culture is of course the African culture. One is introduced to the African Umuofia tribe and thereafter they are presented with the many different cultures and beliefs of that tribe and well some of the other African tribes. In Things Fall Apart, one is also shown a brief view of how the Africans saw and came to be part of Western culture, but one is also shown how the African culture actually contains alot of sense, morals and ethics. It can be seen that African culture it is not simply a group of people shouting out foreign screeches on shore as they are shown in Heart Of Darkness. Furthermore, in Heart of Darkness the Western culture is the dominant one, and in contrast to Things Fall Apart not only is there very little understanding of the other culture (African Culture) but also there seems to be no effort from the characters in Heart of Darkness to even begin to understand or grasp the African culture : â€Å"In the empty immensity of the earth , sky, and water, there she was (the French man-of-war) incomprehensible firing into a continent.†(Heart of Darkness, Penguin Classics 2000, pg 30, line 33) This quote can also be used to illustrate how the colonists were seen as deranged and their culture fickle. The characterisation in the two novels is very different when speaking about either the Africans of the Westerners. In Things Fall Apart the African is characterised as an intelligent being who has a sense of right and wrong and they contain the makings of Westerner’s human thread; maternal instinct towards one’s child, the drive to succeed, the knowledge of right and wrong, punishment for those who commit crimes, respect for elders etc. Furthermore, in Things Fall Apart the Westerners are portrayed in a fair light, despite their exloitation of the Umuofia tribe and their ideas are taken into consideration and the benifits are thaught about†¦ this shows the Umuofia to be logical and fair people. Whereas in Heart of Darkness the Westerners are the only ones who are considered to be intelligent, despite them also being shown as impure and unfair : â€Å"hairdresser’s dummy†(Heart of Darkness, Penguin Classics 2000, pg 36, line31) and â€Å"I let hi m run on, this papier-mache Mephistopheles, and it seemed to me that if I tried I could poke my forefinger through him, and would find nothing inside but a little loose dirt, maybe.†The Africans in Heart Of Darkness are not portrayed as humans, rather they’re seen as animals, but at the same time they can also be seen as more human than the imhumane colonists because they are compassionate and they aren’t empty inside (refer to â€Å"I let him run on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ above). The Africans are also seen as the underdogs being destroyed by the white men who only care for money. Overall in Things Fall Apart, the portrayal of the Africans in is that they’re humans with morals and a good steady culture and the portrayal of the Westerners is that they’re also human with morals and their own culture. In Heart of Drakness, the Africans are weak, primitive savages victimised by the strong, impure White man with no moral fibre. The links between the books Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness can be seen as a trend throughout Booke’s and Brantlinger’s Papers. Both find that in our societies there are certain ideas associated with Africa; namely darkness, mystery, savagery, unenlightenment, lack of intelligence and resourses as well as good solid religion and moral fibre, and finally the idea that Africa infects the rest of the world with all its dark and dangerous qualities. Each day these ideas are passed through our brains and drummed into our heads, to such a degree that the majority of us no longer question their being right or wrong. Achebe found that in Heart of Darkness, Conrad discussed and displayed these racist ideals in extreme amounts and Achebe felt the racism Conrad openly showed was unacceptable. Surely society played a role in this uneducated assumption made about Africa and its people when it allowed for such racist ideals to be printed in the everyday press. In Conclusion it can be asid that Achebe did have reason for his opposition to Heart of Drakness and its portrayal of Africa and Africans. It must be considered, however, that perhaps Conrad’s unintentional racism was simply the product of ignorance. He was incorrect in conveying the Africans as savages, but at the time the book was written Conrad was probably blinded by his society and its stereotypes. Furthermore, his true intention in Heart of Darkness was to show the Westerners lack of moral fibre by contrasting them against the Africans and showing how the Westerners exploited the Africans. Achebe’s description of Conrad as a â€Å"thoroughgoing racist†in â€Å"An Image of Africa : Racism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness†was not entirely true. Conrad did include some racism in Heart of Drakness but it was not intentional and it was certainly not extreme enough to call him a â€Å"thoroughgoing racist†.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Prepare for the PSAT 5-Step Guide to PSAT Prep
How to Prepare for the PSAT 5-Step Guide to PSAT Prep SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Many juniors and even sophomores take the PSAT every fall to prepare for the SAT. But the PSAT isn’t a college admission test, so do you actually need to prep for it?The reality is,PSAT prep can strongly benefit you, especially if you're hoping to naba National Merit scholarshipor get a high score on the SAT. In this article, we explain why PSAT prep is important and go over how to prepare for the PSAT using five simple steps. In addition, we discuss what kinds of resources are ultimately unnecessary for quality PSAT preparation as well as how PSAT prep differs from SAT prep. Why You Should Prep for the PSAT Most juniors take the PSAT, but in truth PSAT scores aren't nearly as important as SAT (or ACT) scores.Why? You see, because the PSAT isn't used for college admission, schools won't even so much as glance at your PSAT score. But if that’s the case, then, why bother prepping for the PSAT at all? As it turns out, there are a few reasons PSAT test prep may be worth the effort. For one, the PSAT is essentially a gateway to doing well on the SAT. Because theprimary aim of the PSAT is to prepare you for the SAT (hence its name, "Preliminary SAT"),the two testsshare several similarities. As a result,preppingfor the PSAT can give you an early sense of what SAT content areas you'll need to strengthen and what strategies and approaches work well for you. Even if you're planning ontaking the ACT instead of the SAT, the PSAT can still help you get used to the kinds of questions and content you'll need to know since there are so many similarities between the redesigned SAT and ACT. What's more, your PSAT score can predict your SAT score. Though the PSAT and SAT scoring scales differ (the maximum score is 1520 on the PSAT and 1600 on the SAT), each PSAT score directly corresponds to the same score on the SAT. So a 1300 on the PSAT indicates the same level of ability as a 1300 on the SAT does. The PSAT essentially shows you how well you’d perform on the SAT if you were to take it at that exact moment in time.Without any PSAT prep, however, you’re glimpsing what your SAT score would be without any SAT prep as well. Such a score isn’t particularly helpful, as you’ll most likely want tostudy for the SAT, so to get a more accurate SAT prediction, you'll definitely want to engage in some PSAT prep. Lastly, PSAT test prep is essential if you’re hoping to qualify for National Merit. All juniors who take the PSAT are automatically entered into the National Merit Scholarship Program, which awards annual $2,500 scholarships to top scorers. To qualify as a Semifinalist, you must reach or exceed your state’s PSAT cutoff score. Sothose aiming towin scholarship moneyshould study for the PSAT as diligently as they would for the SAT or ACT. Nonetheless, not everyone needs to prep for the PSAT or even take it.If you're not trying to hit National Merit, don't bother committing to lengthy prep sessions or long-term study plans. Likewise, if you're set on taking the ACT instead of the SAT, the PSAT won't be as helpful or as relevant to your studies, so feel free to forgo PSAT prep (and even the PSAT itself, if not required by your school). How to Prepare for the PSAT: 5-Step Plan Now that we’ve gone over why you should study, let’s look closely at how to prepare for the PSAT. Below are the five major steps you'll need to take in order to get the most out of your PSAT test prep. Step 1: Learn the PSAT Format The easiest and most fundamental way to prepare for the PSAT is to learn the format of the test. This is a great place to start, even for those who aren’t intending to aim for National Merit. As you may remember, the PSAT is very similar to the SAT, so if you’re at all familiar with the SAT format, know that the PSAT is strongly tied to it. The only major differences between the PSAT and SAT are that the PSAT: contains fewer questions lacksan essay component is slightly easier Here is an overview of the PSAT format: Reading Writing and Language Math No Calculator Math Calculator Order 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Time 60 mins 35 mins 25 mins 45 mins # of Questions 47 44 17 31 Question Types Multiple choice Multiple choice Multiple choice, grid-ins Multiple choice, grid-ins Topics/Skills Tested Vocabulary Ability to find evidence for answers in passages Data interpretation Ability to improve flow and style of passages (Writing only) English grammar and punctuation (Writing only) Algebra (linear equations, functions, inequalities, etc.) Nonlinear expressions Data analysis (rates, ratios, percentages, graphs, etc.) Geometry Trigonometry Complex numbers Scoring One Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) score on a scale of 160-760 One Math score on a scale of 160-760 In addition, I suggest reading our basic guide to the PSAT for answers to any general questions you might have about the PSAT, such as what it tests, how it’s scored, how much it costs, and how to register for it. Next up, set a goal score! Ideally, one higher than 17. Step 2: Set a PSAT (or SAT) Goal Score A PSAT or SAT goal score can help you determinewhat PSAT score to aim for on test day. If you want to qualify for National Merit,your PSAT goal score should be equal to or higher thanyour state’s cutoff score.(Note that cutoff scores are usually reported as Selection Index scores, but you can find estimated PSAT score conversions in our article on the PSAT score range.) In general, you must score around1400-1480on the PSAT to qualify for National Merit. As previously mentioned, the exact score you'll need varies depending on the state. Regardless, you'll have to aim high! If you plan on eventually taking the SAT, you could also set a combination PSAT/SAT goal score. To do this, you must have a rough idea as to what colleges you want to apply to as a senior. Once you've got your list of schools ready (you can use our handy chart), find the 25th and 75th pecentile SAT scores of admitted students to each of your schools. After, look for the highest 75th percentile score on your chart.This score will be your goal score for both the PSAT and SAT,as it's the score most likely to get you into all of the schools to which you're applying. Ultimately, if you can hit on or around this goal score on the PSAT, you should have little trouble getting the same score on the SAT. And even if you don't hit it on the PSAT, you'll know exactly what to work on during your SAT prep so that you can raise your score by the time you sit for the SAT. Step 3: Take PSAT Practice Tests If you really want to do well on the PSAT, one of the best ways to prepare for it is to take at least one official PSAT practice test. You can download thesefree, full-length tests by going directly to the College Board website. Of all possible PSAT study materials, practice tests are arguably the best resources available. With practice tests, you’re getting authentic PSAT questionswrapped up in a complete test-taking experience. Unfortunately, since the PSAT only recently underwent changes in 2015, there aren’t a ton of practice tests to choose from. Here is what you can currently access: Official PSAT Practice Test #1 - Scoring Your Test - Answer Explanations Official PSAT Practice Test #2 - Scoring Your Test - Answer Explanations Other solid options for PSAT practice includeIvy Global’s PSAT practice test PDF- a high-quality, albeit unofficial, practice test- and official SAT practice tests (which we'll discuss more in Step 5). The Ivy Global practice test is a full-length test that's extremely similar to the official PSAT practice tests.The only downside is that its scoring guide uses the SAT scale (out of 1600) instead of the PSAT scale (out of 1520), making it a slightly less accurate representation of the PSAT. Practice tests are excellent tools for tracking your progress.What you'll want to do is take one practice test at the beginning of your studies to get yourbaseline score (i.e., the score you start with). Then, follow Step 2 above to set a PSAT/SAT goal score.Once you've completed some PSAT prep, take another practice test to see whether you're closer to hitting your goal score. As you take these PSAT practice tests, always simulate real testing conditions as closely as possible.This means taking the test in a quiet room without distractions and timing yourself on each section as you'll be timed on the actual PSAT. Doing all of this ensures you'll have a clearer and more accurate sense of where your strengths and weaknesses lie. Step 4 is all about mistakes. My mistake? Following Donkey Kong. Step 4: Analyze Your Mistakes When studying, tryto understand why the incorrect answer choices you’ve chosen are in fact wrong.This means you'll need to go through all practice tests and questions you’ve used for PSAT prep, mark the ones you answered incorrectly, and spend time figuring out where your logic or calculations went wrong. Look to see whether there are any patterns in your mistakes. For example, are you consistently getting tripped up on certain question types? Do you tend to guess randomly instead of strategically? Do you struggle with certain skills or content areas, such as algebra or reading comprehension? Being able to pinpoint your mistakes and understand what you can do to fix them allows you to avoid making these same mistakes on the PSAT and even the SAT or ACT. Step 5: Use SAT Questions Tests for Extra Practice Other than the PSAT practice tests above, there aren’t many resources for PSAT practice questions. That said, there are tons of free SAT resources, with questions nearly identical to (though possibly harder than) those on the PSAT. Therefore, I suggest incorporating SAT materials into your PSAT prep if you're dissatisfied with the breadth of questions in PSAT practice tests. Like the PSAT, the best resource for SAT practice questions is the College Board, which offers dozens of free questions for the three SAT sectionson its website. All in all, there are: 24 Reading questions 22 Writing and Language questions 18 Math No Calculator questions 30 Math Calculator questions For additional practice, take afull-length SAT practice test.These tests are nearly identical to the PSAT practice tests, differing only in length (i.e., number of questions) and difficulty. Each SAT practice test also comes with an Essay section, which you can skip since there are no essays on the PSAT. While SAT questions and practice tests can be helpful for PSAT prep, remember that these resources arethe best free resources for SAT prep as well. Therefore, you may want to reserve some of these questions for future SAT prep (unless, of course, you’ll be taking the ACT- in that case, go ahead and use all SAT resources for your PSAT preparation!). Ready to open up your wallet? Or nah? Should You Hire a PSAT Tutor? Sign Up for Classes? Because the PSAT isn’t as important as the SAT or ACT,you generally shouldn't need to hire a PSAT tutor or sign up for PSAT classes. Remember, thePSAT is essentially just a practice test- it has no effect on your GPA or your chances of admission to college. So throwing a bunch of cash at a PSAT tutor or prep course will likely only waste time and money in the end. The only cases in which PSAT prep courses and tutoring sessions are useful is when you want to qualify for National Merit or get a super high SAT score. In these cases, additional PSAT guidance can shed some much-needed light on critical concepts and skills you need to work on in order to get the score you want. For most students, though,light prep and a self-guided study plan using free, high-quality resources is typically all you need to prepare effectively for the PSAT. Even just knowing the PSAT format can give you a leg up on test day! So try not to feel obligated to spend money on resources you may not actually need in the end. If you do decide to invest in tutoring sessions or prep courses, just make sure the price doesn't bother you and that you can apply what you're learning to the SAT as well. Bonus: Aiming for a National Merit Scholarship? If you're not sure you can self-study your way to a qualifying PSAT score, you'll love our PSAT prep program, PrepScholar. We designed our program around the concepts in this article, because they actually work. When you start with PrepScholar, you’ll take a diagnostic that will determine your weaknesses in over forty PSAT skills. PrepScholar then creates a study program specifically customized for you. To improve each skill, you’ll take focused lessons dedicated to each skill, with over 20 practice questions per skill. This will train you for your specific area weaknesses, so your time is always spent most effectively to raise your score. We also force you to focus on understanding your mistakes and learning from them. If you make the same mistake over and over again, we'll call you out on it. There’s no other prep system out there that does it this way, which is why we get better score results than any other program on the market. Check it out today with a 5-day free trial: PSAT vs. SAT: How Is Test Prep Different? There's no denying that the PSAT and SAT are undoubtedly similar- but they're certainly not identical, and thus neither is their test prep. Below, we go over the three key ways in which PSAT prep differs from SAT prep. Intensity PSAT prep is generally far lighter than SAT prep. This is primarily due to the fact that the PSAT is just a practice SAT and therefore a far less important test. Specifically, SAT (and ACT) scores are a significant college admission factor, whereas PSAT scores are not.(That said, being named a National Merit Scholar can certainly give a boost to your college application, especially in regard to financial aid.) Availability of Resources Since the SAT is a more popular and ubiquitous test, you'll find that there aremany more resources available for SAT prep than there are for PSAT prep. This means you’ll have a broader range of materials to choose from when studying for the SAT- from prep books and apps to questions and practice tests- than you will for the PSAT. Essay Section Unlike the SAT, which includes an optional Essay,the PSAT does not include an Essay section.So if you’re taking the SAT with the optional Essay, you’ll need to make sure you adequately hone your writing skills prior to the exam.In other words, without having to practice composition, the PSAT is a slightly easier test to prepare for. Once you finish the PSAT, do a happy dance- ideally, with a frilly umbrella. Key Takeaways: The Importance of PSAT Prep If your goal is to perform well on the PSAT- whether because you hope to qualify for National Merit or simply want a better chance of scoring highly on the SAT- you’ll need to engage in some PSAT test prep.But if you're not aiming for National Merit or don't plan to take the SAT, you don't need to prep for the PSAT (or even take the test at all, if your school allows students to opt out). The best way to get started on PSAT preparation is to learn the format of the test, including what questions it’ll ask and what concepts it'll test you on. Setting a PSAT or SAT goal score, too, can help guide your studies. Finally, it's a good idea to spend some time analyzing your mistakes and practicing with high-quality PSAT practice tests and SAT resources. Most students shouldn't need to hire tutors or enroll in PSAT prep courses to do well on the PSAT. Because the PSAT isn’t a college admission test, scoring highly on it isn’t nearly as important as scoring highly on the SAT or ACT; therefore, there’s no point in spending money on PSAT prep unless you really want to qualify for National Merit and believe the resource will help you eventually get a high score on the SAT, too. As for test prep, PSAT test prep is typically less intense than SAT test prep, as the PSAT isn't as important as the SAT. Moreover, there is no Essay section on the PSAT and only a small number of PSAT resources available, making PSAT prep overall simpler than SAT prep. What’s Next? You now know how to prep for the PSAT- but do you know how to register for it?Our comprehensive guide walks you through the three critical steps you must take to sign up for this year's PSAT! What's a good PSAT score overall? For sophomores? For juniors?Learn what constitutes a good PSAT score in general as well as how the definition of a "good" PSAT score can differ depending on your grade level. Running out of PSAT prep time?Never fear!Follow our10 last-minute tips to help you get the PSAT score you want on test day. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:
Monday, October 21, 2019
Listening Comprehension Strategies
Listening Comprehension Strategies Listening comprehension, also known as oral comprehension, can present a struggle for learning disabled children. Many disabilities can make it difficult for them to attend to information delivered orally, including difficulties in processing sounds and prioritizing sensory input. Even children with mild deficits may simply find auditory learning difficult since some students are visual or even kinesthetic learners. What Disabilities Affect Listening Comprehension? Auditory processing disorder, ADHD or a language-processing deficit can have serious impacts on listening comprehension. These children can hear, but imagine a world in which every noise you heard was at the same volume- its just impossible to sort out the important sounds from the unimportant ones. A ticking clock may be as loud and attention-grabbing as the lesson being taught by the teacher.  Reinforcing Listening Comprehension at Home and School For a child with these kinds of needs, listening comprehension work cant only happen in school. After all, parents will have the same struggles at home. Here are some general strategies for children with auditory processing delays. Reduce distraction. To help regulate volume and keep a child on task, its essential to eliminate extraneous noises and motion. A quiet room can help. Failing that, noise-canceling headphones can do wonders for easily distracted learners.Let the child see you when you speak. A child with difficulty interpreting sounds or making them on her own should see the shape of your mouth as you speak. Let him put his hand on his throat when saying words that present difficulty, and have him look in a mirror while speaking.Take movement breaks. Some children will need a refresher in the struggle to listen. Let them get up, move around, and then return to the task. They may need this support more often than you think!Read aloud, at least 10 minutes a day. You are the best example: Spend time reading aloud one-on-one to kids with auditory deficits. Its important to cater to the childs interests.Help her with the process of listening. Have the child repeat what youve said, summarize what shes read, or explain to you how she will complete a task. This builds the foundation of comprehension. When teaching a lesson, present information in short and simple sentences.Always check to ensure that the child understands by repeating or rephrasing your instructions or directions. Use voice intonation to keep his attention.Whenever possible, use visual aids and or charts. For visual learners, this can make all the difference.Help children with organization by presenting the sequence of the lesson before you teach it. e Reference them as youre giving instructions.Teach strategies to these students that include rehearsing mentally, focusing on keywords and using mnemonics. Making connections when presenting new material can help them overcome the sensory deficit.For students for whom distractibility is not the main issue, group learning situations may help. Peers will often help or direct a child with deficits and lend additional support that will preserve a childs self-esteem. Remember, just because youve said it aloud doesnt mean the child understands. Part of our job as parents and as teachers is to ensure that comprehension is happening. Consistency is the most effective strategy to support children with challenges in listening comprehension.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Be Different. 9 Easy Tips to Standout from Others
Be Different. 9 Easy Tips to Standout from Others Be Different. 9 Easy Tips to Standout from Others A great number of articles and psychological investigations are dedicated to the issue of personality traits. However, life’s circumstances as well as typical problems somehow make people all look very much the same. Individuals tend to lose confidence, get easily bewildered and misled. At times, it may even seem that many lose their identity. However, the ability to stand out and achieve personal and professional success greatly depends on the power of one’s spirit coupled with certain personality traits. So, how do you demonstrate your originality without showing off and looking stupid or arrogant? First, self-awareness is important. Know what you want and how you are going to get it. You should be able to set goals and plan how to achieve those goals. Here are some tips on how to be different from others while highlighting your gifts and natural abilities that lead to success. Tip 1. Maintain confidence that you can be successful. First, think in positive terms about your ability to succeed. Avoiding self-doubt and thinking positively increases your chances of becoming successful. Every time you think about good things, like success and prosperity, you will attract them into your life as if you were a magnet. Try this. It works! Tip 2. Stay positive and optimistic. Staying positive and optimistic in ordinary everyday situations is very important as the power of positive thinking can help remove obstacles, making hardships much easier to deal with! Having a positive attitude helps with your level of energy. In addition, you are less likely to accept the situation as it is and more likely to problem-solve if you think something can be done about it. Tip 3. Be well-organized. Your emotional disposition is truly essential. So, pay special attention to the way you arrange your time, address everyday concerns, and plan meetings. Make sure you use your time effectively so that every moment of your life is used in the best possible way. Keep in mind there are no unimportant periods of time or insignificant breaks in terms of ones determination to experience true success! Tip 4. Complete each step in the best possible way. Famous actors often say that There are no minor roles, only minor actors. To apply this idea to everyday life could be interpreted as the need to do any job you have in the best possible way, no matter how unimportant this job may seem, whether delivering the mail, babysitting, or walking someones dog. All actions are important, and a job well-done will continue to pay you in the future through your reputation and recommendations from others. A capable and diligent attitude toward even the smallest and insignificant tasks will develop a professional approach to everything that may come your way in the future. Tip 5. Master communication skills. The ability to communicate effectively with other people can lead to fruitful collaborations. Its impossible to achieve your goals without help from others. Moreover, people eagerly socialize and work with those who have good communicative skills, a willingness to compromise, and respect for other’s opinions (Vail, 2013). Tip 6. Practice the idea of continuing education and strong emotional stamina. Getting involved in the process of self-improvement will keep you on the cutting edge. It will provide you with a fundamental advantage over your competitors with relevant knowledge, experience, and skills. Increasing your emotional stamina is vital. You must be able to reject the emotional pressure from those whose main intention is to discourage you. Often, these individuals are insecure in their own abilities and so they seek to pull you down in an attempt to appear superior to you. Tip 7. Pay attention to your manners and project a positive self-image. The statement that People are likely to treat you the way you treat them works equally well both in business and in personal relationships. Try to be polite on every occasion. Respond in a timely fashion and professional manner to e-mail messages and phone calls. Make your friends, relatives and colleagues feel that you respect them and their points of view. Stress their importance in your life (Vail, 2013). Tip 8. Dont get discouraged by mishaps. No one is perfect. Mishaps occur for everyone, with no exceptions! Learn to take your failures as a significant part of practical experience. Wise people say that Experience is the best teacher. Regardless of whether the experience is positive or negative, you can benefit from the experience. Make good use of it! Tip 9. Stay focused on your goals. Always keep your goals in mind. Choose no more than 3 long-term goals at a time. This number is enough for major projects. Avoid suddenly changing your goals. The ability to concentrate on your aim is likely to sharpen your spirit and build a persistent, strongly-motivated and, thus, successful personality. All these tips are good for helping you to stand out from others and moving toward your aims, making your dreams come true. Be yourself by cultivating the best traits you have. In addition, remain calm and goal-oriented, friendly, and easy-going. Also, demonstrate enthusiasm and let the success and prosperity you deserve enter your life!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Book review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Book review - Essay Example The exercise on amplifying exceptions and complementing is very educative and practical; hence it can be used to cynosure on solution focused brief therapy. The parties taking part in the exercise are able to experience first hand the intended purpose. The second technique is asking the miracle question, where this technique is to help the client know what he/she wants done differently in that the first attempts chosen to solve a problem did not work out; therefore, another approach is needed. The last technique is to understand the structural component of feedback to clients using role play and interchanging of characters helps in the formulation and delivery of feedback to clients. Corey (2008) specifically talks about how personal experiences can influence change of behavior in their day to day life, a bad experience can trigger phobia. Therefore, due to the phobia triggered the victim tends to avoid situations where the phobia triggering stimuli
Friday, October 18, 2019
Use of Satellites by the US Military to Improve Battlefield Awareness Essay
Use of Satellites by the US Military to Improve Battlefield Awareness - Essay Example Evidences in support of this are the depth and range of research on this topic carried out by various scholars and interested parties. Their recent operations and raids have utilized space surveillance as a method of staying alert in the battle field. Technology and military theory, as well as the manner, in which it is applied during war and the impact of the aforementioned on the society, will be looked into keenly with the analysis of the works of various researchers on the topic. Another aspect will be that of information warfare. There are other researches on related topics, which support this view from different angles but with similar findings as will be realized subsequently. Revolution in military affairs has put technology in the right perspective when it comes to battlefield awareness. The US military as history has it, made heavy investments on military technology with space craft's as a priority1. Use of devices that collect data before putting up a plan of attack while at war takes center stage in the US military operation layout. The socioeconomic paradigm of each era in the US reflects on the investments made in ensuring victory over the wars. In so doing, poor return on technological investments scales escalate. Errors in judgments are associated with such technologies resulting to retarded economic progress. This may be referred to as information war that involves a lot of tact in locating targets and monitoring the movement of the opposite parties. Other theorists have made attempts to predict how information warfare has capabilities of providing dominant information awareness about the battle space. Manipulation and exploitation of the enemy electronic system or even destroying the enemy station comes as a preference in times of war. Aerial bombing falls as a strategy of intimidating the enemy. In order to apply it effectively, the US must survey the ground structure and set ups so as to locate the targets. Defenseless cities become devastated and terrify societies other than demoralizing the enemy. Air strikes are the most applied methods of attack; the US military air jet fighters have precise technological devices that take care of space view other than the satellites. The ability of any military to combat the enemies from advancing using cyberspace uses information technology. Information warfare has been the yardstick to cyberspace application in the warfare. A network of satellites acts as a bridge between ideas and action universally. This has enabled a god's eye view of the planet including all ongoing activities. A typical application of this is border incursion, which may be thwarted immediately advances are made. New technology changes the application used in the space warfare at a relatively fast rate2.Technological innovations increase the risk of vulnerability hence the Americans military to keep up their research and advancement in space satellite surveillance. This is not only applied during the war, but through the day to day activities in the military and space sc ience research fields. Peer competitors of the US on a face off proved it all with an attack on US space satellite system, GPS and other communication systems. What followed was a nuclear, electromagnetic burst within the space this destabilized more than 50 percent of the military infrastructure on information that the weapon systems rely. Innovations have brought about changes in the warfare with dramatic change of doctrines within the military. Revolution in the US military may be given a non conclusive definition.
Policies of Sustainable Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Policies of Sustainable Development - Essay Example As the paper stressesthe Nepal’s policy principles entail varying aspects that are all aimed at various different aspects. First, the Nepal water policy is decentralized with the minor policies contributing to the major policy but not contradicting the major policy. The Nepal Water Resource conservation strategies have the objective of sustainability, and the only way Nepal aims to sustain the existence of their water resources is by allowing participatory leadership in the policies involving water services. This case study has noted Nepal as a nation with sustainable policies regarding the use of water resources. In most cases, policies that cover wider geographic areas have a huge probability of failures. The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) policies, for instance, cover most nations of the world. What the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development does not understand is that even though globalization has brought a great similarity to the way people undertake tasks, people rarely detach themselves from their own cultures. The use of water resources is considered as a diverse aspect of many cultures. It is therefore effective to create policies that are relevant to the target population. The major source of electric power as of today in the United States is water. It is, therefore, inevitable that major policies had to be enacted to protect the huge number of American citizens from running out of this precious resource. Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Business - Bus Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business - Bus Assignment - Essay Example The company is also planning to reduce its carbon emission by 20 percent. The leadership brands of the company include Pampers, Ariel, Tide, Lenor, Head & Shoulders, Wella, Oral-B, Ace, Ambi Pur, etc. The headquarters of P&G is in Cincinnati, Ohio. There are about 127,000 employees working in P&G, in around 80 countries. The products of P&G are sold in about 180 countries around the world. P&G is a public company and its stocks are listed and traded on New York and Paris Stock Exchange. Organizational Structure There are two units known as Global Business Units (GBU) in the organizational structure of Procter & Gamble. They are the global operation, global business services and the corporate functions. The global business units were effective from 2011. The two GBUs are in two segments of the company, they are: a) beauty product segment, b) health care segment. The primary task of the global business units is to form innovative strategies for launching the brands. The company identif ies the needs of the consumers and develops new products through innovation and upgrading their brand features and quality. This is done through effective marketing plans and floating innovative commercials. The global operational department includes the market or business development department, which has the responsibility of developing market plans at regional level. The business development department identifies the target retail customers, customer trade channels. These are divided into geographical units such as, a) North America, b) Western Europe, c) Latin America, d) Central & Eastern Europe/ Middle-East/ Africa, and e) Asia. The Asian countries include Japan, China, Australia, India, Korea, etc. The global business services includes technology, process and other data tools which help the global business services to introduce better tools for understanding the nuances of the business. This also assists the business development department to offer world-class solutions at lo w cost to the people around the world. The corporate functions are the company level strategies and which help in portfolio analysis, accounting practices, treasury, governance, human resources and other legal and functional support system. This shows that P&G has a flat organizational structure (Procter & Gamble 2012). Key Executives The present President and CEO of Procter & Gamble is Robert McDonald, the chairman is A.G. Lafley, the vice chairman for global operations is Werner Geissler, the CFO is Joe Moeller, the President of Global Business Services and Chief Information Officer is Marc S. Pritchard, the Global Human Resources Officer is Filippo Passerini, the Chief Technology Officer is Robert L. Fregolle, Jr and the Global Brand Building Officer is Valarie L. Sheppard. Financial Strategy The financial highlights of the company show that the company has generated sales revenue of $82,559 million in the year 2011. The operating income was $15,818. If we analyze the financial c ondition of different product segments, then in beauty segment the leading products were Head & Shoulders, Olay, Pantene, Wella, etc. The revenue generated from sales was about 24 percent, in the grooming segment the popular brands are Braun, Fusion, Gillette Mach 3, etc. The sales generated from the department were about 9 percent.
Evolution Process of Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Evolution Process of Writing - Essay Example The various subjects I took part in and as well jotted various concepts greatly influenced my thinking ability. The writing courses, in the beginning, demoralize a lot, but after a while, it brings the enthusiasm and determination in individuals thus qualifying it as one of the most adorable processes in the education system. The various subjects I took part in and as well jotted various concepts greatly influenced my thinking ability. The writing courses, in the beginning, demoralizes a lot, but after a while, it brings the enthusiasm and determination in individuals thus qualifying it as one of the most adorable processes in the education system. The grammar and punctuation skills are the best aspects of writing. They paved way for my understanding of my writing activity as well as knowing the center of focus in relation to my writing. Through the grammar, I have become an expert in the punctuation and observant in every single word I write in my work. Over the eight weeks period o f my writing lessons, I have learned to proofread as a writing technique. This has helped me a lot in making sure my written materials make sense for anyone who views it. Lastly, writing helps in the SQ3R strategies where every learned aspect is kept in the mind after a long period of time when it is put in writing. On the first essay, I agree with my fellow colleague because being nervous is so normal while learning various aspects of writing. The second essay points out that there is a significant difference between high school writing and college education writing hence I also agree with the post.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Business - Bus Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business - Bus Assignment - Essay Example The company is also planning to reduce its carbon emission by 20 percent. The leadership brands of the company include Pampers, Ariel, Tide, Lenor, Head & Shoulders, Wella, Oral-B, Ace, Ambi Pur, etc. The headquarters of P&G is in Cincinnati, Ohio. There are about 127,000 employees working in P&G, in around 80 countries. The products of P&G are sold in about 180 countries around the world. P&G is a public company and its stocks are listed and traded on New York and Paris Stock Exchange. Organizational Structure There are two units known as Global Business Units (GBU) in the organizational structure of Procter & Gamble. They are the global operation, global business services and the corporate functions. The global business units were effective from 2011. The two GBUs are in two segments of the company, they are: a) beauty product segment, b) health care segment. The primary task of the global business units is to form innovative strategies for launching the brands. The company identif ies the needs of the consumers and develops new products through innovation and upgrading their brand features and quality. This is done through effective marketing plans and floating innovative commercials. The global operational department includes the market or business development department, which has the responsibility of developing market plans at regional level. The business development department identifies the target retail customers, customer trade channels. These are divided into geographical units such as, a) North America, b) Western Europe, c) Latin America, d) Central & Eastern Europe/ Middle-East/ Africa, and e) Asia. The Asian countries include Japan, China, Australia, India, Korea, etc. The global business services includes technology, process and other data tools which help the global business services to introduce better tools for understanding the nuances of the business. This also assists the business development department to offer world-class solutions at lo w cost to the people around the world. The corporate functions are the company level strategies and which help in portfolio analysis, accounting practices, treasury, governance, human resources and other legal and functional support system. This shows that P&G has a flat organizational structure (Procter & Gamble 2012). Key Executives The present President and CEO of Procter & Gamble is Robert McDonald, the chairman is A.G. Lafley, the vice chairman for global operations is Werner Geissler, the CFO is Joe Moeller, the President of Global Business Services and Chief Information Officer is Marc S. Pritchard, the Global Human Resources Officer is Filippo Passerini, the Chief Technology Officer is Robert L. Fregolle, Jr and the Global Brand Building Officer is Valarie L. Sheppard. Financial Strategy The financial highlights of the company show that the company has generated sales revenue of $82,559 million in the year 2011. The operating income was $15,818. If we analyze the financial c ondition of different product segments, then in beauty segment the leading products were Head & Shoulders, Olay, Pantene, Wella, etc. The revenue generated from sales was about 24 percent, in the grooming segment the popular brands are Braun, Fusion, Gillette Mach 3, etc. The sales generated from the department were about 9 percent.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Risk Factors for Colon Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Risk Factors for Colon Cancer - Research Paper Example In most cases a combination of inhibitors is necessary to maximize the efficacy of the drug treatment. The possible side-effects associated with these drugs is still under investigation. Thus at present the prognosis for colon cancer associated with obesity has been found to be poor, however the combinational use of inhibitors could change the current prognosis. Keywords: colon cancer, obesity, insulin, adipokines According to recent surveys colon cancer is the third most commonly occurring cancer in males and second in the case of females associated with a mortality rate of 608,700 (Chen, 2012). About 1.2 million people are diagnosed with this type of cancer every year (Whitlock, Gill, Birch, & Karmali, 2012). There are many causative factors involved in the pathogenesis of colon cancer which include environmental factors such as a high-fat/ low-fiber dietary intake, genetic factors such as inherited or cellular genetic mutations, life style changes such as smoking, physical inactiv ity and obesity (Chen, 2012; Ma, Yang, Wang, Zhang, Shi, Zou, & Qin, 2013). Studies have shown a strong link between obesity and the incidence of colon cancer. Obesity, which is measured as the body mass index, is on a rise over the past few decades all over the world. The World Health Organization estimates show that about 10% of the world population is clinically obese (Whitlock, Gill, Birch, & Karmali, 2012). Obesity is associated with an increased risk of type II diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and heart disease. These conditions increase the serum levels of cancer risk factors such as insulin, insulin-like growth-factor 1 (IGF-1), leptin, interleukin-6, 17 (IL-6, IL-17), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and decreases serum levels of adiponectin which is considered to indirectly protect against cancer (Chen, 2012; Van Kruijsdijk, van der Wall, & Visseren, 2009). The role of insulin and IGF-1 in the carcinogenic process has been supported by clinical studies. These factors in turn activate multiple signal pathways which can induce tumor growth. For example increased secretion of insulin and IGF-1 stimulate cancer growth by binding to their specific receptors and activate pathways that inhibit apoptosis and stimulate cell proliferation. IGF-1 stimulates the proliferation of cells by activating the signal pathways phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and Ras/Raf mitogen activated protein kinase systems and signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 pathways (STAT 3). IGF-1 is also involved in cell migration and invasion which favors cancer progression and metastasis (Chen, 2012; Van Kruijsdijk, van der Wall, & Visseren, 2009; Frezza, Wachtel, & Chiriva-Internati, 2006). Adipose tissue dysfunction in obese individuals plays a major role in promoting carcinogenesis by affecting important biochemical mechanisms such as insulin resistance, and production of adipokines and cytokines involved in inflammation. An increased leptin level which is secret ed by the adipocytes in obese individuals is associated with the growth and proliferation of cancer cells. The leptin hormone is known to promote mitogenesis, angiogenesis, and inflammation and inhibit apoptosis (Van Kruijsdijk, van der Wall, & Visseren, 2009; Frezza, Wachtel, & Chiriva-Internati, 2006). Obesity is also associated with decreased levels of adipone
The Environmental and Personal Factors for Emily’s Tragedy Essay Example for Free
The Environmental and Personal Factors for Emily’s Tragedy Essay Emily’s tragedy results from not only her personality and psychology, but also the environmental and other external factors, which can be the last to ignore. This paper will make an analysis of the external and internal factors for Emily’s Tragedy. Key Words: environment, personality, tragedy, a rose for Emily. The environmental factors: the background and alien strangers First of all, after the civil war in the United States, Grison family still remained an aloof concept of elevate social status. Family s shaikh also as Emilys father was a seriously patriarchal tendency person. He was fastidious about his daughter’s marriage and drove away all the men showing love to Emily to preserve the status and dignity. â€Å"When she got thirty and was still single†. Obviously, both her body and mind were enslaved by her father’s traditional concept. Therefore, she felt released when her father was dead, and there was no â€Å"trace of grief on her face†. Raised up under the paternalism and strict education, Emily developed a strong dependence on her father and a hidden pent-up brutality inside her, which explains that Emily tried to hide her father’s corpse. And that’s why after her fathers death, owning nothing, Emily ignored the concept of common customs and soon fell in love with a young man called Homer who came to town to build the rail way from north. This gave Emilys dull and stuffy life a little warm color. After Emily’s father’s death, the meddlesome neighbors and some state agents became the leading external influence on Emily’s tragedy. After the Civil War common mind of the south people to the traditional south culture had changed as generations shifted. Miss Emily Grierson who kept haunting in the past phantom image became a topic in the neighborhood naturally. The old generation regarded Emily as the tradition, obligation, even a monument, revealing a nostalgic emotion to the traditional culture that was gradually fading away. But this condition changed when it came to the next generation of residents. The old colonel’s preventing Emilys tax revealed the old generations attention to vulnerable group, while the new alcalde and senators were dissatisfied with this. The neighbors became indifferent and sympathetic about Emily’s refusing to accept the era’s transmutation, and they tried all means to interrupt her love story and looked at her strangely. To some degree, they led to thoroughly closing down between Emily and outside world. The personal factors: excessive self-esteem and sense of controlling The strong self-esteem and arrogance as a noble lady existed in Emily’s whole life until her death. She was an embodiment of the south, the old and the tradition. At the very beginning of the story, the author recounted the decoration of her house which was always kept in 1870s style and never changed any more. Besides, she was so obstinate that even when the new government compelled taxes on her she just refused it and ridiculously mentioned the colonel who had been dead for almost ten years. She kept the traditional view all the way, and resisted to follow the inevitable times, which in fact she was protecting her poor dignity and glory by indulging herself in the past. At the same time, Emily was determined woman. Regardless of others’ criticism, she insisted on marrying a northerner whose social position was apparently lower than hers. It seemed that she was challenging traditions, but as a matter of fact, she didn’t mean to disobey the convention. When the man felt tired of her and was about to say farewell, Emily made love â€Å"eternity†in her own way. She captured her lover and the love was treated with â€Å"honor†. Emily’s personal creatures were particularly magnified in her love affair with the northerner. A southern lady married a Yankee laborer. Nothing could be better than that to rebel against the forceful external society and identify her self-being. She had a strong desire to control something important to her so that she could prove her nobility. whether there was true love or not. She locked Homer’s dead body in a well-decorated rosy room and lived through the rest of her life with Homer’s corpse. It seemed that it was better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. Conclusion:Family background, social environment, and her own â€Å"glorious isolation†, all of which resulted in Emily’s tragedy. However, the tragedy is not contemptible at all; on the contrary, it reflects the author’s deep sympathy for the poor lady who held the old-fashioned principle but still felt honored. William Faulkner once said, â€Å"A Rose for Emily was an allegoric title; the meaning was, here was a woman who had had a tragedy, an irrevocable tragedy and nothing could be done about it, and I pitied her and this was a salute to a woman you would hand a rose†. Tragedy as it is, Emily stands for an old but glorious era.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Psychology Observational Analysis
Psychology Observational Analysis The analysis of an individuals behaviour bridges an in-depth understanding of his character and when there is an adequate knowledge about psychology. This paper discusses a behaviour analysis of the person in a coffee shop through bio-psychosocial approach. Based on observation, his age is around 30 to 40 years old. He is busy with his laptop while smoking. He looks restless and stressed. This man has one knapsack and a paper bag with him. His smoking is noticeable as he consumes one stick of cigarette per hour. He also transferred to the other side of alfresco tables as the surroundings become noisy. There are three assumptions discussed on this paper namely; Ultradian Rhythms, impact of stress and noise pollution. Ultradian Rhythm As observed on the man in the coffee shop, he smokes every hour. The study of psychology suggests Ultradian Rhythms as the reason for this time pattern of smoking common to working people. The man in the coffee shop could be experiencing this during that time. Ultradian Rhythms work through clock-like regulators that normalize the activities inside the body. These regulators are found in the oesophagus, heart, pancreas, lungs, and brains. These are normal body phases that take place in a day for every 90-120 minutes. Within this period, the brains and body sends clues indicating the need for having a break and change in physical and psychological activity (Rossi Lloyd, 2008, p.195). The man in the coffee shop is possibly experiencing this Ultradian Rhythm in his smoking habit. Although smoking does not enhance one’s well-being, smokers use the limited time during short breaks to smoke as it is their best way to maximize the time. Some people use their short breaks for taking a nap or drinking coffee. When smoking, the signals are often obvious with the physical movements of a person. The man in the coffee shop shows these movements such as stretching, resting his back on the wall, yawning, physical discomfort and frequent urination. When these actions are noticeable on him, he would light a cigarette and smoke. These actions are usually not recognized by people resulting to neglect. On the other hand, ignoring these signals causes a person to resort to artificial stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine (Cain, 2006, p.6). Similar to the man in the coffee shop, smoking is his way to cope with the signals. Moreover, disregarding these signals may also cause fatigue, anxiety, and physical and mental illness. Hence, his actions before and while he smokes are signals indicating a need for rest or change in activity. Stress Another assumption with regards to his smoking addiction is of course, his obvious stress. Stress can cause headaches or poor health and it makes people feel short-tempered, worried or low. As observed at the subject, he looks stressful and restless and these trigger his smoking habits. People who experience a lot of stress find relaxation when smoking a cigarette. This ineffective dealing with stress has many harmful effects to a body. On the other hand, people do not only smoke to reduce stress. Some people experience stress when they start to quit smoking. Hence, it is difficult for people to quit smoking since its effects are stressful too. There is no scientific study that proves the 100% effectiveness of nicotine to lessen the stress. However, according to University of Southern Florida (2000), brain releases neurotransmitters when a person is smoking a cigarette. Other chemicals such as beta-endorphin and epinephrine can give a better feeling to a person within a limited time. Hence, nicotine can somehow improve a person’s mood within a short time and lessen the feeling of stress. On the other hand, smokers often perceive smoking a cigarette as a â€Å"break†from thinking too much of a task and handling stress (Azagba Sharaf, 2011, p.2). This sensation is short-term and rapidly directs to withdrawal symptoms and more cravings. Hence, smoking can divert a person’s attention from his troubles into something less stressful thoughts. The man in the coffee shop is simply stressed as obvious to his physical appearance and he finds relaxation when smoking. Noise Pollution There are also other observations on the man in the coffee shop. Another thing about the man is his loss of concentration when being disturbed. His facial expressions show his deep annoyance. Given that he sits in the middle of alfresco tables, he transferred to the other side of the coffee shop as the surroundings are becoming noisy. This behaviour is common to people especially those that need a high level of concentration to do a specific task. How does noise affect one’s concentration? Noise pollution is not a physical contaminant but it is present in form of sound waves. It messes with naturally occurring waves within an environment. It is usually present in public places especially in transportation sites such as road, airport, pier and train stations. It affects a person’s hearing and cardiovascular health. In addition, it may also affect one’s potency and can increase the risk of social conflict. According to Daniel Vastfjall’s study on noise sensi tivity (2002), a person who is experiencing a bad day is more likely to experience irritation more than those who are not. Based on this research, people who are insensitive to noise and not in a good mood are less likely to respond with annoyance (Missouri Western State University, 2006, para.7). If the noise results to interference of an activity, noise is more expected to irritate a person. Hence, if a person is in bad mood and the surroundings are noisy, he or she is more likely to respond with anger, annoyance and displeasure. The man in the coffee shop manifests such negative response given his unhelpful mood combined with the noisy surrounding. Moreover, the noise influences his health directly through annoyance. The overall behaviour of the man in the coffee shop is a result of his daily routine and natural response to the surroundings. During the interval of one hour, he is not informed that he needs a break and thus, he smokes a cigarette to relax himself from work. On the other hand, his stress probably accumulates on him day by day. Lastly, his mood for the day as well the surroundings trigger him to get annoyed and to stay away from the noisy crowd. The bio-psychosocial analysis on the man in the coffee shop helped with his overall behaviour’s assessment. To sum up everything, stress, noise and daily routine are the triggers of the man’s negative behaviour and actions. He copes with stress ineffectively by smoking and his annoyance in noisy surroundings is a result of his sensitivity to noise. References Azagba,S., Sharaf,M. (2011). The effect of job stress on smoking and alcohol consumption.Springer Open Journal,1(15), 1-14. Retrieved from> Cain,A. (2006).The Psychology of Smoking(01273 732690). Retrieved from US DHHS website:> Missouri Western State University (2006, August 5).Does Noise Sensitivity Affect A Reader`S Concentration?RetrievedFebruary14, 2014, from> Rossi,E., Lloyd,D. (2008).Ultradian Rhythms from Molecules to Mind: A New Vision of Life. OH, USA: Springer. University of South Florida (2000).A Guide To Remaining Smoke Free. RetrievedFebruary14, 2014, from> Vastfjall,D. (2002). Influences of current mood and noise sensitivity on judgments of noise annoyance.The Journal of Psychology. Retrieved from>
Sunday, October 13, 2019
History of the Computer :: essays research papers
In this report, you’ll about the components and history regarding the computer. A computer is a devise that processes, organize, and calculate, displays information. It can communicate with other computers all over the world. The most powerful computer can perform 10s of billion of calculations per second. People use computers for business, track inventories, and use bar codes, personal home use and other things. Computers can produce information, numbers, images, sounds and movies. Embedded computers control devices such as remote controls. Lets talk about the essential parts of the computer. First you have your outside units like your printer, monitors, modem, floppy disk drive, CD ROM drive, scanner, speakers and keyboard. These things are called peripherals. Printers come in inkjet, laser and thermal. Lasers are much faster than inkjets. The monitor is the television like unit where you observe text and images. Modems permit us to connect to the Internet, which is a global communication network. Modems come in many different speeds. Some are 14.4k, 56k these uses a phone line, cable modem (in only large cities, an internet setup that uses a cable line) and many more. Floppy disk drives are drives where you insert a disk to save progress or install programs from .CD ROMs are compact disk that can read only memory. Scanners are flatbed devises that you can look at pictures at more closely. Speakers allow us to here the sounds coming from the computer. The keyboard is an input unit that produces data bits. Inside the computer you have processors (CPU), Ram, semiconductor, hard disk, the bus and the operating system. Central Processing Units (CPU) a microprocessor that is, a single piece of silicon containing millions of electrical components. It’s input device or memory is communicated through the bus to the CPU, which is the part of the computer that translates commands and runs programs. Ram is the physical memory of a computer. You can use it to run programs that require memory to load. The semiconductor is the silicone object used for computer inner circuit components. The Bus it the flat cable of numerous wires that joins in with components in the computer. For Example: connection to the CPU to the hard disk. The hard disk is where the machine stores data and programs. When a computer is turned on it searches it memory it is called the operating system. Windows 98 and Mac are forms of operating system.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Representations of Women in Ike Oguine A Squatters Tale :: Squatters Tale Essays
Representations of Women in A Squatter’s Tale Women can be perceived or looked at in many ways. They are depicted not only as mothers, but also as friends, companions, and even prostitutes. Today’s society has a variety of images of what they feel women should be and what they actually are. Likewise in Ike Oguine’s A Squatter’s Tale, women are portrayed through various roles such as mothers, girl friends or companions, and prostitutes to reflect the society. First, mothers are backbones of the family. When hard times are experienced, they are the ones who keep the family together. Women provide more than financial support to the family. They are the sense of hope and encouragement to keep the household running smoothly. In A Squatter’s Tale, Obi’s mother is the one who, even in hard times, keeps holding on trying to get through the difficulties. The love she has for her family is what gives her the strength to give all she can to her family. When Obi’s family move from their Yaba house to a three-bedroom flat in the outer reaches of Isolo, as a result of the sudden retirement of Obi’s father, their struggles for survival increase. Obi’s mother would drive everyday from Isolo to her shop in Yaba. The drive she endures everyday is very long and tiring. Obi knows his mother is enduring a lot for the family as Oguine establishes this sense of hardship by stating in Obi’s words, From our new home my mother had to do a hellish drive to her shop in Yaba every morning (leaving behind two disabled men – my father and me – brooding in the living room all day in front of the shiny black Sony Trinitron 21†TV I bought when I was treasury manager in BTF) and another hellish drive back every evening through the most chaotic traffic in the whole of Lagos. (113-114) The struggle of the drive alone is hard for Obi’s mother. When her car breaks down after ten years, the battle against hardships is about to be lost, because, in addition to working extremely hard, she is being put through hell. Obi realizes what the struggle is doing to his mother the day she comes home after her car has broken down.
By the Waters of Babylon: Avoiding Apocalypse Essay
The story â€Å"By the Waters of Babylon†takes place in both a tribe in a forests and later the remains of what we know was New York. As John, a son of a priest, makes his journey to his limit, he decides to go farther and reach the city of the god to understand more about them. Upon reaching his destination, he finds out that the â€Å"gods†were men and were all dead in the debris of their own city. The whole time, although John doesn’t know it, there is a greater advantage for an apocalypse to occur in the near future. As he grow more in conflict whether he should explore for more knowledge or not, he is slowly bringing humanity to another great downfall again. Life as a young priest would have been fantastic in the new world, but John felt the thirst for knowledge as he had all these unsolved questions in his mind he could not put his hands on. When he decided it was time to leave and explore, he significantly brought the end of humanity closer to themselves. Everything has its own apocalypse, yes if John had never bothered to explore, the mystery of the gods would have been kept out of the question for a longer period, until civilization would have grown more intelligent and rewritten history itself. As John’s expedition begins, so does the new age for the apocalypse. As John heads east, he starts to see the distinct ways of the gods, like their roads and stone works, he’s getting close. He understand his culture compared with theirs and also their Lopez 2 Differences. Once he gets to his last point of safe, he feels unsatisfied. He hasn’t solved it all, he hungers for more. He feels he should go back but knows he needs knowledge of the god, even if it’s the death of him. When he decided to continue forth with his trek, he self-brought the apocalypse of his species closer to its end. As he arrives at the city of the â€Å"gods†, he is amazed at the structures they had created and can’t really identify everything, but what he does recognize is a dead god, the only thing was that, it wasn’t a â€Å"god†, it was a man just like John. He was speechless, both of them. As he arrived back to his tribe he told everything to his father who was also in amazement. He was told to not tell his clansmen, not all at once, but little by little. That was the last straw that he could removed to make certain the apocalypse arrived as soon as possible. Instead of informing of his findings, him keeping that colossal secret would have erased all that could ever have occurred in the future: the rebuilding of cities, the separation of tribes, the wars, etc. What has now to happen is the passing time till history reiterates once again. John was neither the protagonist nor the antagonist, he was the spark what happens next. If he had never set off on that odyssey, the apocalypse would have been prevented. If had decided to return home after reaching the river, goodbye to apocalypse, or even if he had not told ANYONE of what had occurred, the apocalypse would have been avoided. The thing is, the apocalypse can never be passed, and only extended and even though john would have not done all those acts to involuntarily screw his species, later on it would have happened anyways. Meaning john did a good thing†¦or was it bad. My sources were from the Florida McDougal Littell Literature book, From the Story â€Å"By the Waters of Babylon†, by: Stephen Vincent Benà ©t
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