Saturday, August 31, 2019
Critical Analysis various programs
One of the most essential functions of the state is to provide public welfare and look after the citizens of the country. This is done through the application of various programs aimed at developing the people’s capacity and alleviating others. The success in this task is what, to a great extent, defines the state’s relationship with the citizens and how much people get involved in collaboration with it. If they don’t get the support of the state, citizens can slip into apathy and become disjoint from matters that require the attention of the whole nation.As the decades have progressed we see significant changes in the way public programs are organized and continuing improvement is necessary to promote efficiency and results. In Hope Unraveled, Richard Harwood states some of his basic observations after conversations with the American people across various states. He makes a good point that the nation is embroiled at most, in the debate regarding republicans and democrats and whether religion should be an important element in the state and does not go any further. When looked at closely, what the nation appears to be eliciting is a general level of distancing from politics and public life.The link between state leaders and the ordinary people is a very frail one and now that the ethos of the people is no longer truly represented in the rhetoric of the politicians, the public is withdrawing itself. This as a result is allowing these leaders to garner political gain for themselves (Harwood, 2005). This perhaps presents the need for some sort of change in the measures adopted for public welfare and other programs initiated by the state. That fragile link between the state and the people needs to be rebuilt which can best be done by improving public management.Kamensky and Burlin, present a very good insight into the measures that could be taken by public managers which stress use of collaborative arrangements. The basic principles of networks and partnerships can be of very important use in this regard. To bring about a so called â€Å"public management revolution†requires some changes in the methods adopted. Productivity needs to be stressed on through all levels of public services (Kamensky, 2005). This has been the hallmark of the private sector and perhaps it is now a time for increased dependence on it by the public sector.Another change drastically needed is reducing the centralization and allowing more entrustment at the sub national level so application is left more to those at the grass roots, better able to respond to changing conditions. The centre could focus more on the creation of public policy and making sure the smaller, semi-autonomous units are held accountable for their measures. The core beliefs surrounding the need for this public management revolution are culminating in public managers opting to replace the traditional bureaucratic organizational structure and to engage in the provision of p ublic services with new and creative ways.A few ways of doing this is contracting out services to third parties and collections of public, nonprofit, and for-profit organizations, instead of a bureaucratic hierarchy. These contractual relationships can help develop linkages between organizations, although it would be significantly different from a network. Networks may be funded by grants, contracts, or fee-for-service arrangements, but they use collaboration as a way of dealing with problems in a coordinated fashion that would be impossible for just one organization.The idea behind contracting is exactly the opposite of collaborationâ€â€competition, where two or more organizations are forced to compete for the contract. The network logic is that collaboration is needed to deal with problems that don’t fit neatly within the boundaries of a single organization. This creation of a so called networked form of governance has been the ultimate result of contracts and decentral ization (Harwood, 2005). Collaborative networks are the best methods for tackling public management problems like homelessness and child welfare.The problems mentioned above that have to be tackled by public agencies are interrelated to a great extent and in most occasions, are bigger than what one single, unconnected agency can handle. Effective management is important in the case of dealing with networks but the benefits accumulated from them are resoundingly high. A connected series of jobs can be fulfilled that may otherwise prove overwhelming. The network is disjointedly different from other forms such as a bureaucratic structure but their ability to aid in problem solving; despite their complex make up is what makes them important for improving public management.Certain precautions need to be taken for networks to be successful. They can result in failure if effective management is not available. There is not much significant research available in this regard. However it is st ill important to be stressed upon with public managers being provided a certain level of understanding of what needs to be done for increased ability of networks to achieve success. Schorr is an advocate making use of the ability of networks and the lessening of the bureaucratic hierarchical structure that was slowly emerging.According to her, public programs have to be â€Å"comprehensive, flexible, responsive and persevering†to be effective. This is best achieved by the decentralization that has been stressed upon before and letting the people at the grass roots handle what they are adept at. These public programs also require clear objectives and the availability of sufficient resources (Schorr, 1998). There may never have been a need for thinking about the advantages of networking for public services if earlier trends had continued.Before, as Schorr examined, there were slowly emerging small but viable public programs that were actually making headway in dealing with soc ial problems. Unemployment and issues such as teen pregnancy were effectively being handled and great things could have been expected from these programs but many of these creative ideas soon came under the stranglehold of bureaucracy. Once caught, these programs slipped into obscurity and lost their luster. Part of the responsibility for the slip in public management and the adverse results can be attributed to the public.The modern day citizens can be seen to possess a deep seeded anger with public life and politics in general. There was some level of care about the public realm but in general, most felt manipulated by lobbying techniques and spin meisters. Over time this even developed into frustration as many saw big issues being deliberated upon but too little concern being shown for their issues. This was complimented by the failure of public programs that were bogged down by the bureaucratic hierarchical structure. Even the news was dominated by scandals and power politics th at did not fit public concern anywhere in its fold.Thus when the people were immensely frustrated with public life, they began to withdraw to their own personal abode where they attempted to get away from the manipulative power of media and the political lobbyists and spin meisters. September 11 was one event that gathered the nation together with promises of engaging citizens, inception of new welfare programs and perhaps the emergence of more practical news in the media. It could have been the starting point of a process of change, a catalyst for greater trust and involvement in public life.That golden opportunity was eventually lost as well as the nation continued its retreat away from the public sphere and slipped further away. Success of public programs depends to a great extent on the involvement of citizens. This requires certain notions of public good and awareness. That was just the thing being lost from the nation’s shared lives. However great the frustration is wit h a particular cause, the health of a democracy and the effectiveness of its public programs requires more than just a good voter turnout. It requires keen interest in public life and involvement in every sphere.This â€Å"me first†philosophy needs to change if public program are to be salvaged. Building networks and partnerships is one thing but not every organizational move can result in success. It requires belief and the willingness to go the extra mile. This other path can lead the nation to create a more vibrant and robust public life. This requires a reevaluation of how the general public evaluates and puts into practice the public programs. It is a translation of the belief that people actually want to get involved and make a difference. They want to step forward to improve their surroundings and bring about change in society.When things start improving on one end, it tends to produce a ripple effect that spreads across various rungs of the public infrastructure (Bar dach, 1998). For philanthropy, this approach has immediate and concrete implications. This approach needs a particular kind of thinking that focuses on going beyond the creation of single projects or singular objectives. It requires putting hope in workable projects that themselves become shining stars to follow and emulate. This creates a feel good factor within the framework of the public administration and involves the people further as well.It has to be kept in mind that such singular projects alone can not halt particular trends or lead to improvement at large. Supporting singular successful projects only works well if it is paired with more initiative and the drive to continue producing measurable results from public programs which actually allows a new trend to establish roots and cement the change process. What needs to be taken care of here is that the change being aimed for does not just provide short term gain and results in an increase in competition within communities i n the nation.The benefits of singular projects that turn out successful may not accrue to all in the short term or even in the near future but it does lead to establishment of change. This requires patience which if not fostered, could result in acrimonious feelings within the communities (Tom, 2007). The challenge is that in the current culture of opposition, our very public structures, relationships, networks, leaders and norms are not amenable or hospitable to supporting an alternate path. This creates certain uphill tasks. As some analysts point out, real and sustainable change can only be garnered with the presence of the right mechanism.This has been founding wanting in large parts of the society and even the catalysts for change are now hard to discover and capitalize on. The years of stagnation with regard to public life has created a gap on how actually to best engage people and lead to an acceptable level of progress in public programs. It proves inherently difficult thus, to seek out ways to overcome the existent adverse conditions that hold progress. There is a need for creation of an alternate path in society, one that ignites a sense of possibility and hope. This path requires bringing together all the steps that have been deliberated above.The first is the development of civic minded organizations which go beyond the society’s divisive elements and actually involve the people as such, enabling them to engage. The needs of the hour is innovation and persistence on the part of the administrators as constructing something new and workable like that is not very quickly done. Such organizations if successfully constructed can serve as central beacons of hope that can be the stepping stone for increased engagement in public life and alleviating some of the withdrawal that has plagued the nation.These organizations themselves also need to bank on networks and partnerships with the private sector and with other public entities so as to maintain e fficiency and help increase credibility of the public management. This has to be complemented with the creation of leaders, emerging both from within society and the public sphere who can help this cycle of sustainable change to continue and also make sure that the complex partnerships and networks that come into place for problems solving work well and do not expire, leading the nation back to the trend it so desperately needs to halt.Works Cited Bardach, Eugene (1998). Getting Agencies to Work Together. Brookings Institution Press. Kamensky, John M (2004). Collaboration. Rowman & Littlefield. Richard, Harwood (2005). Hope Unravelled. Kettering Foundation Press. Schorr, Lisbeth (1998). Common Purpose. Anchor. Tom, Christensen (2007). Transcending New Public Management . Ashgate Publishing.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Summary and Response to “A Story of an Hour”
Summary and Response The desire of freedom definitely comes with an immense price. In â€Å"The Story of an Hour,†Kate Chopin describes her main character, Louise Mallard, as a freedom seeking housewife, trapped in an unwanted marriage with her husband Brently Mallard. She soon after gets granted the gift of freedom when she finds out her husband had been in a train accident, which ironically Kate Chopin’s father died of the same tragic death. With Kate Chopin’s unique writing style, she has been a major influence in literature for decades.According to Feminist Writers, â€Å"she opened her 19th-century female readers’ eyes to a familiar world [they] had never know. †Authors S. Selina Jamil and Daniel P. Deneau both analyzed the story and gave their opinions on how the emotions of Louise affected internally and externally. With two different viewpoints on the short story, both authors provide valid points when scrutinizing the direct variation whe n it came to Louise’s motives. When reading â€Å"The Story of an Hour,†one is drawn into the troubling tale of Louise Ballard and how she reacts to her trying times as a thought to be widow.The ending throws the reader for a loop and is completely unexpected, but that’s Kate Chopin’s writing style. The story is unpredictable, enjoyable, and controversial, and definitely leaves the reader satisfied. S. Selina Jamil responds to the piece of work, â€Å"The Story of an Hour,†completely different than Daniel P. Deneau. Deneau describes the story as a sensual experiences internally occurring within Louise in his critical essay called â€Å"Chopin’s The Story of an Hour. †Deneau places much emphasis on the passage that concludes that Louise has become â€Å"free†(Chopin 247).Then he concludes that she forms a sexual unity with the supernatural. â€Å"With no male aggressor-partner named in the text, only a â€Å"something,â₠¬ readers naturally will speculate. For me, two possibilities existâ€â€both supernatural†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Deneau). From then on Daniel P. Deneau infers that when Chopin uses phrases like â€Å"Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body†(Chopin 247), â€Å"slightly parted lips†, and â€Å"keen and bright eyes†(Chopin 247) that she was hinting at a sexual innuendo.Seeing that Chopin does have a background that consists of stories that consist of controversial sexual topics, I can see how someone would mistakenly think â€Å"The Story of an Hour†would be yet another provocative piece. Contemporary Authors Online said that â€Å"She is best known for her 1899 novel, The Awakening, a once-scandalous account of one woman’s growing sexuality in the American South during the Victorian Era. †Kate Chopin mainly wrote about compelling stories, with a dose of sexual controversy.Yes, what Louise went thr ough was a life altering, pivotal time, but a sexual experience seems far-fetched. She begins mourning over her deceased husband, but soon after she begins to grasp that she is no longer oppressed by the male dominant figure in her life. Deneau states that â€Å"In a limited space, and without the assistance of a psychological vocabulary, Chopin may have been forced to rely on the indefinite, the unidentified, which, as best we can judge, is some powerful force, something supernatural, something beyond the realm of mundane experience or the rule of logic. I oppose his views on the â€Å"supernatural†force compelling Louise to prosper in her feelings and begin to move forward in her life. According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, the â€Å"supernatural†is relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe; especially: of or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit, or devil. All Louise did was begin to pay attention and react joy ously to the new season that had begun to blossom. The views of S. Selina Jamil are polar opposite.Providing valid structure and content, Jamil begins her critical essay â€Å"Emotion in The Story of an Hour,†with strong overview of the emotions that Louise seems to be going through. A weak mind and meek hearted woman by the name Louise Mallard begins to fall prey of society’s cookie cutter views on how men and woman are treated. In her feminist studies, Norma Basch clearly concludes that women have the right to prosper just as men do, but during the time in which the short story occurred; woman became more complacent in their everyday roles as just a housewife.Norma describes a marriage that is male dominant is somewhat a â€Å"form of slavery†(Basch 355). Trapped and suffocating in her daily routines as a silenced housewife, Louise receives the news about her husband. Emotions overwhelmed the blushing bride, and she soon found herself to be a widow. †U ntil her moment of illumination, Mrs. Mallard’s emotions have been stifled and suppressed to fit into the mold of hollow social conventions,†say Jamil in her critical essay.Emotional pain hits Louise and all she could do is bask in her sorrow, but soon enough an overwhelming feeling of â€Å"freedom†washes over her as the new life of the old Louise Mallard was beginning to unravel. Feminist Writers states that in The Awakening â€Å"Edna commits suicide by walking out, naked, into the ocean†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and then proceeds to say that â€Å"The act of suicide is a positive embracing of freedom, and act of re-birth. Kate Chopin shows in her writings that empowerment of being free is so strong that it can lead to death. In the hour that Louise sits and collects her thoughts she becomes more self-aware than many do in a lifetime. Completely agreeing with Jamil, she states that â€Å"For one hour of emotion, Louise does glimpse meaning and fulfillment. †Th e irony of the story is that her success of actually becoming a free woman was not long lived but cut short all because of heart trouble. The growth of emotional awareness informs mechanisms that that underwrite the emergence of self-identity and social competence,†(Dolan 1194) Dolan describes that once someone becomes confident in their self-awareness that they will have reached the peak of satisfaction. What does it actually mean to be happy? Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary state that it can be defined as enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment. Clearly Mrs. Mallard got her dying wish of happiness and even though it was short lived, the feeling to her could last a lifetime.Between â€Å"Emotions in The Story of an Hour†and â€Å"Chopin’s The Story of an Hour,†S. Selina Jamil was the powerhouse when it came to providing and incorporating importance of the entire story, instead of just a section Daniel P. Deneau did. Jamil bro ke down â€Å"The Story of an Hour†into the perfect guideline in following how Mrs. Mallard emotions played out throughout the hour she experienced a mix of emotions. Jamil gave more examples that used the whole story instead of just a cluster of the short story, making it harder to follow.The context of â€Å"Chopin’s the Story of an Hour,†by Daniel P. Deneau was completely off set compared to S. Selina Jamil. All in all each essay from both of the authors were good; one surpassed the other by using certain specifics. Mixing both emotions and surrounding features, S. Selina Jamil got the upper advantage of the group because of how much information she covered, and how she described Mrs. Mallard’s ever changing emotions. Works Cited Basch, Norma. â€Å"Invisible Women: The Legal Fiction of Martial Unity in Nineteenth-Century America. †Feminist Studies 5. (1979): 346-66. JSTOR. Web. 15 March 2012. Chopin, Kate. â€Å"The Story of an Hour†. Literature and the Writing Process. Ed Elizabeth McMahan et al. 9th ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2011. 246-247. Print. Deneau, Daniel P. â€Å"Chopin’s The Story of an Hour. †The Explicator 61. 4 (2003): 210+. Academic OneFile. Web. 14 March 2012. Dolan, R. J. â€Å"Emotion, Cognition, and Behavior. †Science 298. 5596 (2002): 1191-94. JSTOR. Web. 15 March 2012 Jamil, S. Selina. â€Å"Emotions in The Story of an Hour. †The Explicator 67. 3(2009): 215+. Academic OneFile. Web. 14 March 2012.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Patient education and prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Patient education and prevention - Essay Example One of the important strategies for prevention of acute exacerbations in a COPD patient like James is regular physiotherapy. It is very important for the nurse to educate the patient about the importance of physiotherapy because; education enhances active participation in health care, increases coping skills, enhances the understanding of the disease, assists in self-management and increases adherence to treatment plan (Neish and Hopp, 1988). According to the NICE guidelines (2004), physiotherapy must be instituted to reduce work of breathing associated with COPD, to restore the maximum function of the patient and to improve respiratory and peripheral muscle weakness. There are many techniques in physiotherapy which help to manage breathlessness. Positioning of body, control of breathing, chest clearance, exercise training and chest physiotherapy are some of the methods which are commonly employed to reduce breathlessness in COPD patients. Breathing control techniques also help the p atient cope with breathlessness. Adaptation of certain positions decreases oxygen consumption of the body and also increases ventilation-perfusion of the lungs, thus decreasing breathlessness. Patients must be advised to choose a position that makes them feel comfortable. While adopting such a position, the arms must be relaxed and supported.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Discipline Profile on Real estate sales Research Paper
Discipline Profile on Real estate sales - Research Paper Example 6). In house language consists of jargons mostly drawn from business and law and at times the construction industry. For example, words such as a balloon mortgage might not mean much to an ordinary person but in a realtor’s office, it makes all sense. This reason creates a difference in the language used in academics and professional practise of a real estate agent. In school and other educational facilities, real estate students learn and diversify both the professional terms and learn people skills and language (â€Å"Become a REALTOR ®Ã¢â‚¬ par. 2). The sole reason for this is that these students usually do not end up all in the same field. Some do research into real estate field while others become advisors to firms, and only a number become real estate sales agents (â€Å"NAR: About NAR: Careers in Real Estate†par. 10). These sales agents are professionals in their respect. In addition, their professional field experience usually involves both the knowledge o f professional terms and language and how to interact with clients. These agents need to have all the information about setting prices and negotiating to achieve great deals. Negotiation as a feature of language involves the compromise of position, the art of conviction, and the instrument of language that enables one to achieve consensus even in hostile conditions (Lipman 145). This language focuses on establishing and building relationships with clients and knowing their likes and interests in a property. This technique combines words with actions and splits language into verbal and non-verbal. The non-verbal language creates a sense of hospitality and openness. It makes the client trust the agent and in doing this the agent can get to know how to best deal with this customer (â€Å"NAR: About NAR: Careers in Real Estate†par. 2). Therefore, in general, language used in real estate sales primarily borrows from
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Read-Aloud Project Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Read-Aloud Project - Coursework Example I know this because I have observed how they read when we read in dyads before. I chose to read Peggy Parish’s (1971) Come Back, Amelia Bedelia. I selected to read only one book because it is long enough for the reading session to last for fifteen to thirty minutes, depending on the questions and comments of the kids on it. From this read-aloud experience, I learned that selecting stories is not easy because of their different interests, communication styles, and literacy skills, but some generalizations can be made through using age-appropriate criteria. I also understood that children like humorous characters and plots; they want a reader who knows how to change voices, facial expressions, and gestures; they respond openly to the reader and their peers when encouraged; and they also want characters with gender and races/ethnicities that they can relate to. In choosing the text, I used common criteria to text selection that include reader and audience characteristics. This approach considers the interests and needs of both readers and the audience in the book. The criteria are the following: (1) I chose a book that I enjoy reading; (2) The book is something that the children have not read yet to increase their interest in it; (3) The book has a large text font that children can read even when they are a foot or two from me; (4) The book has pictures where characters have perceptible facial expressions and do a wide range of actions, and the settings have details and things that can be sources of discussions too; (5) The language is simple enough for kids to understand, while there are some challenging words that will help them learn new ones; (6) The plot can be something that these children can relate to; and (7) The story has lessons on work ethics, family bonding, and differences between idioms and literal
Monday, August 26, 2019
Health Gap between Rich and Poor in Briatin Essay
Health Gap between Rich and Poor in Briatin - Essay Example There were a lot of repressed meanings that could possibly be interpreted in these news writings. As a result, this essay would present the point of view on the issue through the evaluation of the three online news sources via using a deconstructive approach. I would first discuss my point of view with regards to the online news article published by BBC Online (1998). Upon reading BBC’s news report, I could say that it was really written in a conservative approach with the aim of not only providing information to the public but largely on persuading the citizens of UK, in particular, the poor sectors of the society, that the government could resolve this widening health gap. This media group’s manner of reporting was done through informing the public on what the government was thinking about the health issue. In fact, as stated by the author of the report who was a government’s former chief medical officer, Sir Donald Acheson, the local authorities had already me chanisms to resolve the challenges encountered by the most economically deprived sector of society. As part of the government, he greatly had voiced how the government were seriously considering the said health issue because of its significant impact on the succeeding generations. In fact, the seventy – five (75) recommendations given in the report was far – reaching as it had included thirty – nine (39) categories which consisted of health all the other areas related it like education, housing and environment. Though, it was only the voice of the government that was clearly expressed. Through taking into consideration the source of the news report, the BBC, a non – commercial, government - owned organization, it could be greatly understood the careful manner of reporting since it was being funded and supported by the government itself. As part of the local authority, this medium was serving a purpose of not only providing the information to the public bu t also, for the large part, it had played to protect the government. It was biased in the sense that the voice of the government was the only voice that was presented. Thus, this article of BBC had suppressed the other possible interpretations of this issue through not presenting the other sides of the problem. Given the serious health concerns encountered by the authorities, BBC had functioned as a mechanism of the government to give assurance to its people that everything was manageable and under control, that the growing health gap between the rich and the poor sectors of society would soon be resolved. In this manner, the public should worry about nothing because the government was doing its role. Indeed, BBC’s manner of providing information to the public was serving the benefit of its sponsor, the government. On the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Differences in Setting Up a Business in China vs India Research Paper
Differences in Setting Up a Business in China vs India - Research Paper Example A major difference between China and India lies within the political systems of the two countries, with China having the Communist Party system while India having a democratic system. This provides India with numerous comparative advantages over China (Nobrega, 2008). In spite of the laziness of the courts in India, the legal system protects the property rights whereas intellectual property rights are frequently violated in China and business is done primarily through interpersonal networking; a concept known as guanxi (Adams, 2007). In terms of the political systems, China is following market reforms economically which encourages business models that are capitalist-based and allows more free trade than India. India, on the other hand, has a system of commerce that was based upon the Soviet model until the 1980s, and has ever since, reforming to follow China in terms of freedom of trade and establishment of the capitalist-based business models (Runckel, 2007). China and India have co mparable trade barriers and reduced tariffs. However, China is more liberal for the international companies than India. China has removed restrictions on the retail trade and is modernizing the sector with huge investments whereas, in India, international companies find greater restrictions. For example, a US corporation can have just one director to establish its business in China whereas for it to establish a business in India, a minimum of two directors are required (, 2010).
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Wal-Mart Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Wal-Mart - Article Example It also has an incredible team of executives who form its leadership. This has equipped Wal-Mart with management of high caliber. Finally, the Company spends its resources carefully with the aim of maximizing their margins while reducing costs. The company focuses on strategies such as everyday low prices that helped it stay ahead of its competitors. More so, the company’s retailer opened new small stores, which helped it overcome its competitors such as and dollar stores. It faced tough competition from these companies but it managed to make profits. The company has been replacing its discount stores with supercentres. In this supercentres, Wal-Mart added grocery products and other new services to its existing traditional merchandise offerings. The company tried to expand internationally by offering the everyday low prices strategy. More so, it opened more formats and ventured into e-commerce opportunities. The company should reshuffle its top management in United States to head the U.S stores. In addition, the company needs to replace urban stores with Wal-Mart express stores, which will resemble convenience stores. The company had to rely on e-commerce by expanding its online business such as moving into digital books, appliances, music, and groceries. This made it compete with since it took advantage of its physical presence by providing daily pickup for digital or online
Wal-Mart v. Dukes, Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Wal-Mart v. Dukes, - Essay Example After numerous legal proceedings, the US court ruled in favor of the firm, an action that caused uproar within the US, thereby having significant impacts to the US business, with its rippling effects resonating for years to come. It is unlawful to mistreat employees based on miscellaneous unjustified features such as gender, race or cultural affiliation. Firms ought to implement policies such as efficiency, and skills in promotion of their employees (Copeland & Labuski, 2013). Additionally, equal prospects in the training of employees are significant. As such, owing to diverse similar cases, impacts on both the employers and the employees are severe. Such instances have adverse effects to employee motivation, thereby reducing their efficiency. I believe that the court ruling was erroneous (Copeland & Labuski, 2013). Besides, owing to the case, the firm may have experienced numerous losses, since the remaining employees may have experienced indirect impacts, owing to the reduction of the workforce. Established firms such as Wal-Mart ought to adhere to the implemented labor laws in their appraisal of employees, thereby eliminating recurrence of such instances. However, the firm may justify itself owing to the misconception that male employees tend to be more efficient. This misconception continues to be irrelevant since numerous female employees continue to prove even more efficient as compared to their male counterparts (Martens, 2012). Additionally, diverse labor unions have continually protested against Wal-Mart Stores, thereby criticizing it over the alleged abuse of the labor laws and accusations of gender and racial discriminations (Copeland & Labuski, 2013). It is also apparent that these women continually underwent dissimilar circumstances such as the low pay owing to their gender (Martens, 2012). Additionally, the promotion of the male employees was critically unjustified. The management Wal-Mart Stores failed to incorporate
Friday, August 23, 2019
Leadership concept woirksheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Leadership concept woirksheet - Essay Example Collaborative Teamwork maintains a series of stages. Stage 2 is where competitiveness occurs, in which â€Å"blaming, defensiveness, destructive disagreement, and test confrontations occur – Especially for those vying for dominant positions in the group†. (Montebello & Buzzota, 1993: 59-60) During COCKTAILS on March 26, several team members point out specific executives who they believe lack the ambition and experience to work on the important IPO project. Again, Teri is singled out, perhaps due to animosity over her recent publicized successes. The fact that John, the Board member, does not automatically agree with his team’s recommendations to remove Charles and Teri (though they may not be justified) will cast doubt on John’s ability to think through the IPO project without personal bias, as Teri is John’s niece. Trust is then diminished regarding John’s decision-making capabilities, likely affecting future team performance. Angela Thomas’ resignation is due to conflicting personal values in relation to senior leaderships’ viewpoint of what constitutes corporate social responsibility, pertaining to the IPO and the appeasement of Wall Street Investors. Angela’s values as a committed researcher conflict with those making the decision to improve the firm’s public image, as she believes it conflicts with the ability to produce higher levels of research and productivity. Hence, the organization may suffer from the loss of her experience and talent. In this situation, failure to communicate the importance of the IPO initiatives, early on, is the likely catalyst for this resignation, suggesting a knowledge management failure on behalf of senior level leadership. â€Å"A socially responsible leader often needs to go against conventional wisdom and push the consciousness of others to consider new and challenging ideas,
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Arguments for and Against Term Limits Essay Example for Free
Arguments for and Against Term Limits Essay My research indicated there is more public support for term limits. The most common reason was voters feel dissatisfied and misrepresented by the candidate in office. It is believed that career politicians are elitists and do not have a clear understanding of what â€Å"real†people are dealing with or need. Term limits would create an even playing field for newcomers allowing new ideas and fresh thinkers into the mix. Newcomers would be less influenced by special interests and reduce corruption. Those opposed to term limits primarily support the premise that replacing seasoned experienced politicians with inexperienced members that are unfamiliar with the issues is detrimental to moving things forward. It takes years of experience to get up to speed on the issues and the rules of government. Limiting terms would be restrictive and eliminate the â€Å"good†guy politicians that are doing a good job representing the people. It is common that term limited politicians are not as committed toward the end of their term because they don’t have to worry about their record of accomplishments for re-election. When I first started to work on this assignment I was convinced that I was in favor of term limits for federally-elected officials. I was convinced that term limits were a good idea in order to reduce corruption and generate fresh ideas. After doing some initial research I realized that term limits are not the solution to government reform. The people elect government officials. It is up to the voters to vote in change, get involved, and support their candidate of choice. Voting is a civil liberty for all secured by the sacrifices of others. It is our citizen responsibility to invoke our right to vote and to be informed, educated voters. References htttp:// /en/index.php/Debate:_Term_limits_for_legislators
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Life decisions and moral dilemmas
Life decisions and moral dilemmas Introduction: This assignment illuminates the use of ethical decision making model in taking decisions while managing patients in their best interest. Ethical decision making is very challenging for the health care professionals while working for the benefits and the interests of the patients. While caring for the dying or the terminally ill patients, health care providers address various issues of pain and suffering in relation to the psychological, spiritual, mental and physical complexities of the person having the terminal illness. The ethical decision making models act as guide to make decisions in different complex situations addressing various issues which includes ethical principles, persons own values and beliefs, institutional policies, legal considerations and social values Nurses can improve results of ethical decisions by: †¢ preferring client wishes. †¢ encouraging the importance of ethical issues in care of patient. †¢ obtaining necessary consultation on ethical concerns †¢ becoming involved in the development of policy on ethical issues †¢ advocating for safe and competent nursing care within Alberta communities †¢ encouraging and facilitating cooperation and collaboration between professionals and between agencies to effect improvements within health care †¢ participating in the development of practice standards, issues statements and position papers on professional issues †¢ working with colleagues to identify crucial ethical issues for the profession, including: − the implementation of evidence-based practice − shaping the direction of health-care reform †¢ linking of resource allocation decisions to client outcomes In this assignment i am going to use STORCH Model for ethical decision making. This model was developed by Jan Storch for use in health policy decision making, but later it was adapted for use in ethical decision making. Dr. Storch suggested the use of this circular model as a way of reminding us that it is important to return to each consideration as we move towards decision making. This model involves three major steps: Information and identification Concern People/population Ethical components. Clarification and evaluation. Ethical principles Autonomy Nonmaleficence Beneficence Justice Social expectations and Legal requirements Range of actions/ anticipated consequences Professional code of ethics Ones values beliefs, values of others and value conflict 3. Actions and Review. Case study: Eighty four years old Mr. Adam, was admitted to the ICU. He has been suffering from throat malignancy for 18 months. Now his disease condition has become worsen. His life expectancy is about 3 months. He has difficulty in breathing, difficulty in swallowing and cries with pain. He is on mechanical support and has nasogastric tube in place. He lives with his 82 years old wife. He was a active social worker. His wife tells that he believes in living life in a productive way. He used to drive cancer patients to the rehabilitation centre voluntarily. He has two daughters who live in Ontario, but now they are here to visit their father. He requested the nurse to remove the nasogastric tube and mechanical ventilation as he does not want to live life in this way. His wife agreed to his decision as she does not want to see him suffering anymore. She want him to die peacefully and painlessly. According to Storch Model of ethical decision making, in this case scenario, Information and identification: Nurse Need to gather all the information regarding Mr. Adam. Nurse can arrange a family conference including his wife and the daughters also the family physician can be involved. She should listen to the views and concerns of all the family members related to the request of the patient. Nurse should consider the medical condition of the patient, Mr. Adam is terminally ill and now as his condition has become worsen he has become totally dependent on life support system. He has severe pain which he cannot tolerate. His life expectancy is very short and the prognosis is really poor. Mr. Adam is suffering from throat cancer and is on the last stage but his decision making capacity can be intact, so nurse should assess the reason for his decision. Nurse should assess if there is depression, as it may effect the decision of the patient. Mr. Adam is staying alone with his wife, so the financial resources may be limited to bear his stay in hospital. He was an active social worker. Mr. Adam used to drive cancer patients to the rehabilitation centre. He may have strong social connections and a positive quality of life. Mr. Adam believes in active living of life not in this dependent manner and he spends his life living for others and helping others in their time of need. He had very positive attitude towards life. He believes in life worth living rather living. Nurse should assess the expectations of his family regarding the condition of the patient. Mr. Adams wife and daughter should be asked about their expectations for Mr. Adams health status and prognosis. His daughters live far away from him so they may not have as much familiar with his condition as Mrs. Adam do. Nurse can consult the doctor regarding the condition of the patient and also about the outcome of the decision. Identify the surrogate decision makers for Mr. Adam. According to the second step: Clarification and evaluation: nurse should assess the different values associated with Mr. Adam. Mr. Adams personal values regarding life are worth living life. He believes in living life in a productive and positive way. Nurse should assess the cultural values of the patient, what role cultural values play in his life. What his culture says about life and death. Nurse should also keep in view the religious values of the patient. What role does his religion play in his life? If the religion allows for hastening the death process. Professional values play an important role in ethical decision making. Nurse should consider the professional values associated with the removal of life support system. Nurse should assess the values of the family members regarding the decision of hastening death of their family member. Mr. Adams wife is in favor of his decision to remove life support as she does not want to see him suffering. She wants him to die peacefully and painlessly. Consider the ethical principles. Principle of Autonomy: According to this principle patient has the right to decide for himself, here in this case Mr. Adam is autonomous and deciding removal of life support system. He tells the nurse that he does not want to live life like this. Nurse should respect his autonomy towards the life and should consider his decision and wish while taking actions. Principle of non maleficence: According to this principle nurse should do no harm to the patient. In the above case scenario, patient want to stop the life support and continuing the treatment may go against the principle as it is against his wish. Principle of beneficence: According to this principle, nurse should do good for the patient. Here patient is asking for stopping life support system but it does not provide any benefit towards his condition at the same time it works in favor of his wish to die. Principle of justice: According to this principle, all persons should be equally provided with health care services. In this case patient is provided with required health care needs. Consider the social expectations and legal requirements: Nurse should look for any similar history in the hospital. Identify any previous similar case in the institution, so that she/he can look for the policies and steps that can be taken. Nurse should check the hospital policies regarding the hastening of death of the patient. She should assess that what steps can be taken according to the policies. Nurse should ask for any legal documentation of clients decision making authorities. She can ask for any legal will or advance directives. While considering the different aspects of model nurse should assess that what possible range of actions can de done. Considering the information provided, Mr. Adam is a strong social human being, he spent life doing productive, now as he is chronically sick and dependent which for him is not worth living. He is old and the life expectancy is poor also it gives him severe pain. His wife want him die peacefully. And also the financial sources may be limited to continue life support. The ethical principles gives him the right to decide for himself. According to Canadian Nurses association code of ethics for registered nurses, there are seven primary nursing values: 1. Providing safe, compassionate, competent and ethical care 2. Promoting health and well-being 3. Promoting and respecting informed decision-making 4. Preserving dignity 5. Maintaining privacy and confidentiality 6. Promoting justice 7. Being accountable ( CNA code of ethics for registered nurse) Nurse should consider the professional code of ethics while making decision for the patient that whether she is going according to provided professional guidelines. In this case nurse should follow the professional code of ethics while caring And deciding for Mr. Adam. Nurse can consider her own values and beliefs regarding life and death in empathizing and understanding the needs of the patient and family. Nurse should understand the values and beliefs of the persons involved in the decision making for the patient. How the stopping of life support system effect the family members? What they believe about death process? Mr, Adams wife believes in his peaceful death. Nurse should assess if there is any conflict between the values of patient, family members , profession, culture, religion. Action and review: in this case scenario action must be decided according to the various perspectives proposed by the model. Nurse can check what she can provide to the patient, whether the request to hasten dying is made under depression or really in relevant means to patient. If it is due to depression, what nurse can do to promote and facilitate calm and peace to mind of patient. How she can provide compassionate care and peaceful death to the patient. If patient really wants to die, nurse should t check what she can do while regulating the hospital policies. All the perspectives given by the model should be reviewed before taking any actions. Conclusion: In the nutshell, I can say that Storch Model is the best suited model to the above case scenario as it covers all the issues and perspectives related to the decision. The ethical decision making skill can achieved by reading literature and with the practice experience. These decisions play important role in the lives of patients and nurses as well. There is need of ethical relationship between patient and nurse. There should be better understanding of nurses own values, beliefs, patient and his values and beliefs, professional values , institutional policies.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Successful malaysian innovators and entrepreneurs
Successful malaysian innovators and entrepreneurs Introduction An innovator or pioneer in a general definition is a person or an organization which is one of the first to do something and often opens up a new area or market for others and achieves an innovation. Meanwhile an entrepreneur is an individual who own a new enterprise, venture or idea and took calculated risk for a good output. Entrepreneur in English is a term applied to the type of character who is willing to take risk and taking chances in a new venture or enterprise and accepts full responsibility for the outcome. A French economist, Jean-Baptiste Say is believed to have coined the word entrepreneur in the 1800. Innovator and entrepreneur do not share the same meaning but indeed, there is a significant relationship between innovator and entrepreneur. A person can be an innovator and entrepreneur at the same time. In Malaysia, there are many innovators and entrepreneurs that manage to gain recognition at the international stage. Most of the entrepreneurs manage to achieve the success by running businesses that sell either products or services. Those successful people are Tony Fernandes, Tan Sri Robbert Kuok and Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar. However, some of them do not get fame by running business. They would think out of the box and be innovative. Some of the successful innovators are Eric Leong, Jimmy Choo and Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing. Their creativity in certain aspects such as interior design, shoes design and knowledge of designing let the whole world see them. Among all these successful local innovators and entrepreneurs, they have their own ways to achieve success. Every one of them goes through different path of life. Some may get it in an easy way, some may be not. They have their own reasons to fight for, different motivation to work things out and various ways to achieve it. For this assignment, we would like to know details about the entrepreneurs and innovators in Malaysia. The reasons and motivation that make them to be so successful is something that we are interested in. The sharing from them about it would be so precious that it would be guidance for us in life. Besides, we would collect feedback and opinion from the public about why and how entrepreneurs and innovators in Malaysia succeed. Hope that we can get the general perspective about it. Background Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary was born in 1951 into a middle class family. His father is in the cow breeding business. His mother is a homemaker. He was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Due to poverty, he cannot afford education, thus he complete his secondary education without furthering it into university level. He starts to help his father in his business, by managing the account. He helps his mother during his free time by selling agricultural product and also roti canai before leaving for school . Life was a bed of roses for Syed Mokhtar during his childhood. [1,2,3] He is a private man who does not like to show off his luxurious life. For your information, he can get along easily with other people. He is easily approached by everyone. He doesnt splurge on luxury car. For him, status is not something important in his life. There is time when he is up and there is time when he is down. Lifestyle is just like a disease for him that can deteriote people. His ride is a Proton Perdana and 20 years old Mercedes which he use infrequently. [1] Syed Mokhtar is a strong muslim, thus he always hold strongly to the muslim principal of giving out charity with a sincere heart. He helps the needy and even built mosques across the country. His generosity extended when he donated 1 million pound to Oxford University for the Islamic Learning Center in London. He found his love late, especially when his age approaching mid 40s. The marriage was blessed with 2 boys and girls. Career His hardship in 1951 has propelled him to the success that he have today. He and his father sells grocery to their neighbor around their neighborhood. As business grows, they expend from one state to the next, and they event imported cow from the neighboring country, Thailand to sell it in the local market [1,2] . The cow business suffers a setback due to the foot and mouth disease. However this disappointment makes him more determine to succeed. He expend his business to different field to logistics [3] His down to earth and humbleness makes it easier for him to cooperate with business man from other races. He take over a business that seems to fail and turn it around until he earn the profit. From logistics, he turn in trading business. Famous for being know the rice bowl of the nation, he choose to trade rice. His continuous efforts in his trading earn him rice trading licenses from the authority, Lembaga Padi Negara. Due to his reliability, lots of contracts came pouring in [2] He currently holds some stake in various companies like Mining Corporation Berhad (MMC), Bernas, Malakoff Berhad, Johor Port Berhad, , DRB-HICOM and many more others. He normally doesnt give many press interviews and prefer to keep in private life. His low key attitudes still grab media attention as he is passionate about charity and conduct his charity work through his foundation, Al-Bukhary Foundation. [2] One of the milestones of the Al-Bukhary Foundation is the construction of the Rm 70 million Islamic Art Museum valued at RM70 millions. This also along with a few mosques that he build across the country. Hallmark Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar is not only a humble person, but he also is very supportive of national product. He could afford any luxurious imported car, but he still drive around in his Proton Perdana. His generosity also been highlighted by supporting local students who are qualified and eligible to pursue their studies in local over university abroad. He provides scholarship for 1000 Saudi Arabian student to study in Malaysia. The first social contribution from Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary started with his mother asking him to donate half of his first salary as the director of a rice company (RM 750.00) to his poor neighbours. The other half was kept by his mother. Besides, his mother also asked him to send kerosene lamps to the mosques during the month of Ramadhan, so that activities can be carried out at night in the mosques. From that time onwards, that is how Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary was brought up to be a good personality and thinking person. He thinks that when God give us the wealth, we have to help the needy people. The god gives us wealth to us to help the others. There are some Malay businesspersons who do not want to help because they consider money as their priorities. [3] Syed Mokhtar is a down-to-earth person that will share his wealth with the others. He will feel nice when everyone has the chance to enjoy the same benefits together. He will not forget those who help him before. Humble is one of his life philosophies. No matter how great achievement he has now, he will still go back to Alor Setar and help those who really need helps. Sometimes, he will feel upset seeing some people forget their roots after achieving success in life. They should never forget about their roots no matter how. Wealth is meant to be shared. He likes to donate and contribute. He does not have the desire to keep all the wealth for his wife and children. Money will not last. He believes in Karma. Its not money that will protect him but what he is doing now. Theres no secret for success. Syed Mokhtar is only a human being that created by god but the difference is his way of getting mature. He believes that whoever will success if they really work hard for it. It may take some time. There will no short cut for success. There is reason why he works as if there is no tomorrow. Social and society issues are one of the reasons. He wants to make sure that the heritage would last long enough for my next generation. He knows his own strengths and weaknesses. He would ask for help from the other people when he is unable to do it. He go through the hard way but that is the right way. He has nothing at the beginning. However he will learn what he does not know, asks help from the others. He does not feel ashamed for that because he is not stealing. He works on his own. The attitude of being lazy and shame should be changed. He thinks that a person has to be patience and put more effort in order to run a business successfully. He keeps on searching for opportunities and business so that he can keep on helping the others to excel. He is not doing this solely for himself but for everyone. For him, God will only help those who are willing to work hard. Determination, hardworking and never give up easily are his keys in achieving success. Conclusion In a nutshell, everybody have an equal chance to be successful. Nothing can stop us from being successful unless it is you. If you want to achieve something, you have to work for it. We should follow what Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary did in order to gain a wealth for now and here after. He will not forget his own root and keep on helping those who need helps. Wealth is not meant for alone, but to be share around. Al Bukhari Mosque Eric Leong Background Eric Leong is a name synonym to the world of interior decorating. He was born in Kluang, Johore and was raise in the capital, Johor Bahru . He further his studies in the neighboring country, Singapore after completing his formal education in Malaysia. Eric graduate with a double degree in Interior Design and Business Studies. [4] With his cheerful and gleeful character Eric has won the heart of Malaysian and he was voted Malaysia most favorite interior designer. Career Eric make a breakthrough in 2001 through his reality interior design show, Casa Impian. The show help average Malaysia transform their home into heaven on earth with his extraordinary talent, he could turn a normal space into a work of art, which dubbed him as Raja Hias / the Design King of Casa Impian. [4,5] Why and how he can be success? Eric Leong is a creative innovator that leads him to be a successful entrepreneur. He would think out of the box and try on new things. He is never been stopped by new challenges. For him, expose himself in new environment and expose in new things is great. He is good in applying the knowledge that he learn in university in real life. Designing may not be a simple things as everyone has different point of views opinions. It is even hard to please all peoples need. However, Eric Leong sees this as a challenge in life. He would try his best to create a design that can satisfied every each of the people. Multi tasking Eric Leong holds a number of positions: [5] 1. Group Design Director for Designcity Sdn. Bhd. 2. Group Consultant/Acting General Manager for Beverly Home Sdn. Bhd. 3. Creative Consultant for Living Taste (Malaysias first Chinese interior design magazine 4. Associate Producer/Host for Casa Impian (Malaysias first interior design make-over show. 5. Associate Producer for Ratu Sehari (TV Wedding showcase). 6. Appointed stylist for Home Pride and Living Taste. 7. Columnist for leading magazines Home Pride, Living Taste, Health Today, Herba. 8. Product Designer for Lush Living by Eric Leong the furniture series. 9. Product Designer for Playground by Eric Leong the lighting series. 10. Guest DJ @ FM988 Chinese Radio talk show U Stylish Living (A Star RFM radio) 11. Guest DJ @ RED FM104.9 English Radio Talk Show Living With Eric (AStar RFM radio) 12. Guest DJ @ SURIA FM105.3 -Bahasa Malaysia Decor Radio Talk Show Inspirasi DÃÆ'Â ©cor Bersama Eric. 13. Guest DJ @ SURIA FM 105.3 Bahasa Malaysia Lifestyle Radio Talk Show Inspirasi Gaya Bersama Eric. 14. Lecturer @ Raffles International Design Institution (KL Campus). 15. Committee Member for Malaysia International Fashion Award (MIFA 2005) 16. Art Director for Malaysia International Fashion Award (MIFA 2006) 17. Chief Judge (Best presentation award for Malaysia International Furniture Fair (MIFF) 18. Media Spoke Person for Johor Interior Design Association (JiDA) 19. Ambassador of Homedec Malaysia Premier home decoration exhibition. 20. Ambassador of Maxima Thai Branded Walk-in-wardrobe system. 21. Ambassador of SSF Malaysia premier home dÃÆ'Â ©cor mark. Robert Kuok Background Robert Kuok Hock Nien more commonly known as Robert Kuok is the richest entrepreneur in Malaysia and also South East Asia [6]. He is currently rank 33 in the Forbes Richest Man Alive List [7]. Robert Kuok is the youngest son. He is born in Johor Bahru on 6 October 1923[6]. After graduated from the Raffles Institution, he started working in the grains department of Japanese Industrial company Mitsubishi from 1942 to 1945. Career After the death of his father, Robert Kuok founded Kuok Brothers Sdn Bhd together with his two brothers in 1949 [8].This business plainly deals with agricultural commodities. He managed to buy cheap sugar from India in the year 1961 right before the sugar price shot up. His business expanded heavily until he managed to control 80% of the Malaysian sugar market. Due to this, he earned his nickname Sugar King of Asia [9]. Robert Kuok expanded his varied his business field by involving himself in hospitality field. In 1971, he built his first ever Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore, then he open his second Hotel in Hong Kong called the Kowloon Shangri-La [8]. He also owns a big stakes of the Hong Kong real estate group Kerry Properties. Other than that he also owns the freight interests include Malasian Bulk Carriers Berhad and Transmile Group. Robert Kuoks compnies have investment in many counties. He even has ten bottling company for Coca Cola and the ownership of the Beijing World Trade Centre. On October 31 2009, Robert Kuok has decided to sells his sugar units along with the land used to cultivate sugar cane to Felda for RM1.29 billion. This transaction had directly boosted his companys income as his sugar unit and sugar cane plantation were the second largest segment upon its grain and feed [8]. Robert Kuok has eight children from his two marriages. He has retired officially from the Kerry Group on April 1st 1993. He is currently resides in Hong Kong [8]. Hallmark Robert Kuok has several hall marks which made what he is today. I believe that in order to achieve success, a strong and noble family background is definitely a great advantage. Robert Kuok is famous for his strong noble family background. He was brought up by his mother. Since young, his mother had taught him according to Ru-Jiao which is also known as the teaching of Confucius. His mother is very particular with the values of honesty. That is why he managed to gain respect and trust from others. With this, his business expands smoother and faster than others. Besides having a strong family background, Robert Kuok also has a strong family bond. This is justified as his company, Kuok Brothers Limited was established with the cooperation among his brother and cousins. All of them are very unite in this establishment of the company. They obey to Robert Kuoks mothers order. With a strong bond among them, it is very difficult for others to attack them. This is why the Kuok Brothers Limited can last for such a long period and still standing strong. Robert Kuok also practice good attitude in life. He is a positive, hardworking and sensitive person. Robert Kuok once said that As a young man, I thought there was no substitute for hard work and thinking up good, honest business plans and, without respite, pushing them along. There will always be business on earth. Be humble; be straight; dont be crooked; dont take advantage of people. To be a successful businessman, I think you really need to brush all your senses every morning, just as you brush your teeth. I coined the phrase honing your senses in business: your vision, hearing, sense of smell, touch and taste. All these senses come in very useful [9]. The fourth factor is his way of hiring workers. Robert Kuok hires his workers wisely and he always remembers to acknowledge them. He has never forgets the contributions of all of his colleagues and employee. He even thanked his very first batch of workers personally in hisKuok Groups 60th Anniversary speech. Robert Kuok is very particular in hiring workers. According to him, honesty, hardworking and intelligence are the main criteria that he looks for. When I look candidates in the eye, they must appear very honest to me. I do not look for MBAs or exceptional students. You may hire a brilliant man, summa cum laude, first-class honours, but if his mind is not a fair one or if he has a warped attitude in life, does brilliance really matter? [10]said Robert Kuok. Being humble is a reason that made Robert Kuok a successful man. He has been very humble all this while as he always remembers that once a person is arrogant, the person guard will be lowered. As a result, the person is defeated easily by his rivals. Robert Kuok is very alert with every step he has taken. Most of us will think that if we can capitalize a field, we shall receive a great outcome. However, according to Robert Kuok, sometime capitalism will leads to destruction if we do not inspect it well. He said that Capitalism needs to be inspected under a magnifying glass once a day, a super-magnifying glass once a week, and put through the cleaning machine once a month.[10] He also said that we cannot let greed controls us. Once this happens, the result may be fatal. At the end of the day, despite all the success Robert Kuok has made, he always makes it a point to repay the society. He had set up a foundation called the Kuok Foundation to help out students that are facing financial problem in order to pursue their studies. He even gives out scholarships to students who are studying in either private or public universities. The Kuok family firmly believed in its social responsibility to share its wealth and good fortune with the less fortunate. [11] Achievements Robert Kuok has managed to win several awards for his success in his lifetime. He was honored on the Forbess Worlds Billionaire list, ranking at a respectable number 33. He has also earned the title as Tan Sri in Malaysia. The noblest achievement by Robert Kuok is arguably the Kuok Foundation that was established by the Kuok family. The philanthropists vision is to alleviate poverty and reduce the economic disparities between the rich and poor communities in Malaysia. The foundation offers scholarship for student from not well to do family, to provide them with education that they needed to bring them out of poverty. Picture of Mr. Robert Kuok Hock Nien [10] LIM GOH TONG Background Lim Goh Tong was born in the year 1918 in Anxi. He was the fifth child in his family. When he was born, China was in the period of turmoil as the Xinhai Revolution was just over. However, Lim Goh Tong was lucky as he was brought up in a peaceful environment. He even had the chance to acquire knowledge from school until he was 16, which is when his father passed away [12]. Lim Goh Tong decided to come to Malaya in year 1937 as the condition of China was becoming worse [12]. He worked for his uncle as a carpenter for two years when he first reached here [13]. During that period, he learned to speak the Malay language. After gaining enough experiences, he involved himself in building a double storey secondary school as a sub contractor. Picture of the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong [17] Career Lim Goh Tong is well known as a risk taker. Before the development of Genting, he had involved himself in various fields. During the Japanese Occupation, he had tried working as a farmer, as a petty trader and as a scrap metal and hardware trader. After the Japanese Occupation, he engaged in the second- hand machinery trading. From there, he managed to earn his first fortune. Other than machinery, he also involved in iron mining, and even construction field. His family construction company Kien Huat Private Limited became well known after completed many major projects successfully. One of the biggest deals was the Ayer Itam Dam [13]. However, he also faced difficulties throughout his life as a constructor. He even faced bankruptcy when dealing the Kemubu Irrigation Scheme. Lim Goh Tong had the idea of Genting Highland when he was having dinner in Cameron Highland [14]. Then he started to collect information and decided that Genting Sempah is the most ideal place to build a hilltop resort. For this project, he had dumped in all of his fortune. He even put aside all the negative comments from his friends and relatives. Genting was granted the first ever Casino licence after Tunku Abdul Rahman. The whole Genting project was done in January 1971 and started the business in May 1971. In the next 30 years, Genting has evolved from wilderness to a developed tourist attraction township. Cable car system is provided to tourist as an alternative route. He even built a new township known as Gohtong Jaya on a land around the Genting Skyway cable car system [14]. Lim Goh Tongs company, Genting Group has diversified into various field ranges from plantation to oil and gas and even to cruise boat industry. Lim Goh Tong was married to Lim Kim Hua. They have altogether six children and nineteen grandchildren [12]. He wrote a book titled My Story Lim Goh Tong and it was published in year 2004. Lim Goh Tong passed away on 23 October 2007 in Subang Jaya Medical Center leaving behind a USD4.2 billion fortune and a huge legacy [14]. Achievements Lim Goh Tong had won many awards throughout his extraordinary life [12]. After taking a huge gamble and setting up a hillside resort, and proving all the doubters wrong, Lim Goh Tong was awarded the title Tan Sri in 1976 as a token for his contribution in booming the countrys tourism industry. This is followed by the Malaysian Entrepreneur Award in 1985, his first major award. This is followed by the Manager of the Year award the following year. As his pet project bloom and in 1994 he honored the Business Achiever of the year in 1994. Genting was awarded the Number 1 ranking Malaysian Leading Companies in 1996 and icing on the cake was the Best Employer Award at the same year. Apart from his success in business he still gives back to the society through his foundation, the Yayasan Lim. The foundation helps out those who are in need by providing scholarship for deserving student, and contribute to charitable causes. Hallmark From the start when Lim Goh Tong came to Malaysia, he already shown the hallmark of a true champion. He can only speak hokkien, mandarin, Cantonese and some broken Malay language [16]. He can neither speak nor write English [13]. However, this limitation in language did not stop him in his negotiation of all of his business contracts. Against all odd, he prove that language is never a barrier to success. When Lim first had the idea of Genting Highland, he received many negative comments from his relatives and friends. However, he had successfully put all of these comments aside. On the other hand, he put in more effort into this project. Lim Goh Tong once said that Once the goals have been clearly defined, with the greatest amount of determination and hard work, one can conclusively realise ones goals. [14].He a great determination shown is clearly admirable especially to the younger generation, that when we put our mind to it, we can achieve anything. His humbleness that keep him grounded despite his success and status as a Tan Sri have won applause and was admired among his peers. Tan Sri Lim Gait Tong, president of the Federation of Chinese Associations of Malaysia paid tribute and said in Lims farewell word, He had undergone more difficulties and challenges than any other entrepreneur, before he became successful in his business. However, he remained a friendly, sporting and humble person who was actively involved in charitable activities. [12] Lim was well known as a risk taker. The idea of building a resort on top of the hill is very costly and the outcome is not guaranteed. He had spent all of his fortune in conducting this project [12]. However, he foresees that one day, Malaysians will desire for a cool mountain holiday resort. This is due to the countrys weather and also the economy stability. He is very brave yet very careful in conducting this project. Behind every successful man, there is a successful woman. In Lims case, behind Genting Group, there are many workers. Lim always believed that is the people that run the organization. This project will never success if its a one man show. The Best Employer Award that he won in year 1996 has proven that he is a employer who care and look after his employees Lim Goh tong had set up a foundation called the Yayasan Lim which donates regularly to educational and medical institutions and other charitable organization [12]. Lim is never stingy in donating money. As a result of generosity, he gained more respect from others and of course adding his own karma Picture of the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong [17] Tony Fernandes Background The name Tony Fernandes or now, with the Title Dato Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes, is already a household name not only in Malaysia, but throughout the ASEAN region, and beyond especially in the aviation industry. Born 30 April 1964, inKuala Lumpurto aGoanfather andMalacca Portuguesemother, the late Stephen Edward Fernandes and Ena Dorothy Fernandez. When he was young, he used to follow his mother, who is aTupperwaredealer to parties and conventions [18]. Tony Fernandes was sent on a jet plane in 1976 at the tender age of 12 to Epsom College, London. The wishes of his parents on enrolling him into a fancy boarding school that is associated with Medicine, like all great leader, he made a total 180 degree turn and end up graduating in London School of Economics in 1987 [19]. But during his years in the boarding school, young Tony was home sick and pleas to be home, but due to the high airfare, his parents does not allow him to be home even during the holidays. From that day onwards it was his ultimate dream to provide low cost flights. Career Tony Fernandes raise to one of the celebrated and successful entrepreneur and innovator start with unorthodox route. He took the road that is less taken. He start as financial controllerforVirgin RecordsinLondon owned by his current partner in Air Asia X, Sir Richard Brenson.Upon his return toMalaysia, he became the countrys youngest-evermanaging directorfor Warner Music. He was responsible for turning ethnic music and transforms them into the mainstream Malaysian music. He raise to the occasion and got promoted to be theSouth East Asianregional vice-president forWarner Music Groupfrom 1992-2001.During the merging of Time Warner merged with CNN, there are many unrest among the employee,, like many others, Tony protest the merge and resign [20] Tony went back to London to pursue his dream to own a low cost no frill airline. His inspiration came from his friend, Stelios Haji-Ioannou, who is the founder of the Easy Group, who made British Airways a run for their money. Flying Barcelona to Paris for less than 10Â £, amaze Tony and he thinks that business model is able to apply in ASEAN, with the capacity of 500 millions, the potential is huge [21]. Tony Fernandes return home, Malaysia to lobby his idea to the then Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir Mohamed who gave his blessing to Tony on the condition he took over an Air Asia, a struggling GLC, with a Rm 40 million debt and only 2 elderly 737s. Tony agrees and took over the company for a token price of Rm 1 [19]. And from there they say the rest is history. From an airline with just a couple of 737s, it currently has 76 aircraft, 25 Airbus A330s . Last year it carried 19millions passengers within the Asia Pacific region [22]. Hallmark Like all successful leader, Tony Fernandes have the all the hallmark that made him who he is today. One of the main trademarks of his success is his vision and his know-how on what actually the consumer wants [23]. His hand on approach is one to be admired. Busy with various venture for example tune hotel, tune talk and Lotus Formula one, Tony Fernandes still find time for his main priority, which is Air Asia, his leadership based on the principal Practice what you preach always apply. Every month he spends his time in various division of Air Asia, from day as a baggage-handler to a cabin crew. He has even established a division to hold gathering among the staffs [19]. A close bond with his staff creates a friendly working environment with equal opportunities for everyone is the main ingredient behind of the success of Air Asia, according to Tony the company works as a family. Achievement With Air Asia, Tony have won a lot of awards, locally and internationally, but the biggest honor arguably when he was inducted into the Aviation hall of fame in2009 for shaping the aviation industry evolve. During the same award ceremony Air Asia and its sister company Air Asia X also was awarded Airline of the year. To add icing on the cake, Tony was the youngest recipient of the award [24]. He quote saying You would be a legend only because of the people behind you, acknowledging the Air Asia team behind his success. Apart from his award, the biggest award for him was gaining the landing right to Singapore breaking years of monopoly on the Kuala Lumpur- Singapore route by Singapore and Malaysia Airlines [25],also the exclusive long haul flight from Kuala Lumpur -London, achieving his boyhood dream [26] . Like his tagline Now everyone can fly , certainly everyone do now. . Background When mention about fashion and design, there are always 5 top places that are associated with. London, Paris, Milan, New York and Los Angles. These are regarded as the fashion capital of the world [27]. Top designers brand like Calvin Klien, Tommy Hilfiger, Prada, Burberry and Versace kept their base. Almost all the human race pick up a magazine like vogue to follow the latest trend. But when mention Malaysia, there is a lot of blur facial expression and question mark. This is because Malaysia is not known to produce a lot of fashion designers, but when mention about Jimmy Choo, Hollywood leading ladies from the fashionista like Sarah Jessica Parker [28], latina beauty Jennifer Lopez [19] and even the English Rose, the late Princess Diana [30]. Thus there is no doubt about this Malaysian innovator have change the fashion industry with his sleek and creative design of hand-made shoe. Born into a family of shoe maker, in Penang Jimmys father Choo Kee Yinis a successful shoe maker himself. Jimmy also describe his mother as as being very good at shoemaking [31]. Jimmy made his first pair of shoe at a tender age of 11 [32]. He is perhaps the most notable of students of Cordwainers Technical College in London Borough ofHackney, Londonfrom which he graduated in 1983. The college is now part of theLondon College of Fashion. Career Jimmy have a humble start, as he graduates, he works in a local shoe factory and slowly opened his own workshop in Hackney, London by renting an old hospital building [31]. His career took off when Vogue magazine featu
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Crucible: Characters :: Essay on The Crucible
The Crucible: Characters Chetan Patel The Crucible, a play by Arthur Miller that was first produced in 1953, is based on the true story of the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Miller wrote the play to parallel the situations in the mid-twentieth century of Alger Hiss, Owen Latimore, Julius and Ethel Rosenburg, and Senator McCarthy, if only suggestively. (Warshow 116) Some characters in the play have specific agendas carried out by their accusations, and the fact that the play is based on historical truth makes it even more intriguing. The characters in this play are simple, common people. The accused are charged and convicted of a crime that is impossible to prove. The following witchcraft hysteria takes place in one of America's wholesome, theocratic towns, which makes the miscarriage of justice such a mystery even today. The reasons the villains select the people they do for condemnation are both simple and clear. All of the accusers have ulterior motives, such as revenge, greed, and covering up their own behavior. Many of the accusers have meddled in witchcraft themselves, and are therefore doubly to be distrusted. (Warshow 116) The court convicts the victims on the most absurd testimony, and the reader has to wonder how the judges and the townspeople could let such a charade continue. The leading character of the play is John Proctor, a man who often serves as the only voice of reason in the play. He had an affair with Abigail Williams, who later charges his wife with witchcraft. Proctor is seemingly the only person who can see through the children's accusations. The reader sees him as one of the more "modern" figures in the trials because he is hardheaded, skeptical, and a voice of common sense. He thinks the girls can be cured of their "spells" with a good whipping. (Warshow 114) At the end of the play, Proctor has to make a choice. He can either confess to a crime he is innocent of to save himself from execution, or die proclaiming his innocence. He ends up choosing death because a false confession would mean implicating other accused people, including Rebecca Nurse. (Rovere 2632) Proctor feels she is good and pure, unlike his adulterous self, and does not want to tarnish her good name and the names of his other innocent friends by implicating them. (Warshow 117) By choosing death, Proctor takes the high road and becomes a true tragic hero. The reader feels that his punishment is unjust (especially since the crime of witchcraft is imagined and unprovable.) Because the trials take place in a Christian, American town, the reader must then wonder if anything like this
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Human Resource Mangement in Solvay Essay -- Personnel Management
Human Resource Mangement in Solvay In the last decades, small national companies have grown in amazing scale all around the world. Companies that once were family owned have become huge multinational corporations. Corporations, which by the side of globalization, have expanded all around the world. International business has become one of the most important areas of business due to the need for companies to expand to markets outside their borders. Companies have had the need to adapt to another cultures and business systems. At the same time the way human resource management works has changed. Multinational corporations have had to adapt to new human resource requirements in order to be more effective and efficient. The business melting pot that surged in the last decades has forced corporations to develop a diverse workforce with the ability to expand their businesses. Solvay is one of the companies that was able to exploit globalization as it best. This company has successfully expand itself all around the world and has become one of the biggest multinational companies in the world due to its effective business and H.R. management performance. The story of Solvay starts in 1861, in Belgium. During this year the Ernest brothers started working on a new revolutionary ammonia-soda process for the production of sodium carbonate. Later on in 1863 the Solvay Group was founded. During the first years they had constant economic problems. Because of the problems that they had trying to developed and perfect the production process of their products, their performance during the first ten years was not successful. The first ten years they went on bankruptcy several times. However soon everything changes for the company. After 1870 Solvay started focusing on global expansion. Soon, factories were opened in Belgium, France, England, Germany, Russia and the United States. (Solvay s.a.) Nowadays Solvay is a global group of pharmaceutical and chemical companies specialized in different sectors. It has around 400 entities in 50 different countries, and it provides jobs for 32,000 people from different countries of the world. (solvay s.a.)Headcount By Sector Persons employed as of 1/1/2000 Pharmaceuticals 6 694 Chemicals 11 497 Plastics ... ...gium and the other countries where their factories are based. Solvay is a company that understands business and that has everything a company needs to achieve global dominance in its field of work. Belgium’s stability and prosperity gives Solvay a perfect environment and conditions (cultural and political) to continue its global expansion. The company’s approach to new markets, the strategies planned for the future and its highly skilled diverse workforce put Solvay in a privilege position for its global development. Works cited -All Internet source from yahoo education directory. -All Internet source from yahoo education directory. -Jamieson, David and Julie O’Mara. Managing Workforce 2000: Gaining the Diversity Advantage. Jossey. Bass publishers.1991. -Solvay Investors. â€Å"Increasing competiviness†. http://www.solvay- -Solvay people. International pharmaceutical and chemicalgroup. -The Wilson Quarterly. â€Å"In the Belgium chateau: the spirit and culture of an European society in an age of change†. 1995.
Is Grendel Evil? Essay -- essays research papers
In a world of chaos, he who lives, lives by his own laws and values. Who is to say that the death of millions is any worse or better, for that matter, than injuring a cockroach. And in the case of an existing power in the form of God, who is presumed to be all which is good, presiding and ruling an organized universe, why then does evil exist? The prosaic response of â€Å"without evil, there is no good†no longer holds any validity in this argument as the admitted goal of good is to reach an existence without evil. So even if a God does exist, I think it is fair, at this point, to say that he is the embodiment of both good and evil. And if humoring those who would answer the previous question with the response that there can be no good without evil, then can we assume that evil is simply a subsection of a defined good? Or perhaps even a good thing? If it is essential, those who chose the side of evil are simply abiding by good values. In the case of a world ruled by Chaos, ev il is a non-existent word or value, rather. The system upon which a person’s actions are judged also disappears leaving nothing but an instinct for natural survival as basic and primary as the life within the forests which we tear down to build our houses. Ethics is a wide field of philosophical study to which the core of every question within falls to one side of a blurred line. On the right, is good; the value which is popularly believed to be the correct alignment for which a person should live their life according to. On the left, is evil; that which is the cause of most human misery, and prevents peace on earth. In John Gardner’s book Grendel, the retelling of the ages old story Beowulf, further blurs the line between good and evil. Circumstance and perhaps a confused view of reality allow the monster, Grendel, to conceivably defend his evil beliefs. In order to better understand evil, using Grendel as a guide, I intend to attempt to justify it. Grendel is born a neutral being, perhaps even good, but nevertheless, without hate. The transition which he undergoes to become evil is due to misunderstandings between himself and humans and also meeting with a dragon who is questionably evil. As a young â€Å"monster†, Grendel knew nothing other than the cave he lived in and his mother who could not speak any distinguishable language. He was a playful creature who seemed to be like a â€Å"bla... ...orals is an act of creation. A religious act. Murder and Mayhem are the life and soul revolution†¦      The essence of good in evil is contained within this speech given by Red Horse. That which should be, will come from revolution. The people will fight for what they consider is the truth and if certain morals or institutions stand in the way of that, they must be torn down. The reason for destruction is to actually create anew what is better for existence. This is what I believe the old man is trying to say. That sheer brutality, and that which is considered evil, is the only way to achieve change and therefore a newer, better way of life. It is a concept which sounds harsh and uncompromisingly hurtful to those who are on the opposing end, but it is actually similar to sociology's conflict theory. Without conflict, and therefore the resolution of conflict, there can be no change. Without change, life remains stagnant and in the same cycle of trading one man’s pain for another man’s happiness. Therefore, without evil as a means to achieving good, the world would remain a constant struggle without advancements of living and without advancements of life.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Animal Rights Opinion Essay Essay
To have a liable viewpoint on the topic of Animal Rights, one must practically have the abilities of a well-practiced philosopher. You must be able to fully evaluate the characteristics of every possible relationship, good or bad, between man and his fellow members of the Animal Kingdom, and their potential outcomes. You must also decide if you believe in human exceptionalism, that is, whether or not we are equal to animals. â€Å"A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.†Says Ingrid Newkirk, head of PETA, in 2003, â€Å"They are all mammals†. Other individuals, however, such as Wesley J. Smith (2010), believe that this attitude will devalue the â€Å"the unique status of humans†. Everyone has their own take on this topic, and, if we resolve this in a civilized and orderly fashion, we can potentially have a perfect balance between humans and the world’s diverse flora and fauna. Across the globe, there are hundreds of organizations that are constantly fighting for the equality of animals, and the elimination of their mistreatment. Some of the bigger names include the World Wildlife Fund, (WWF), and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). These groups rally, lobby, and petition against criminal acts against practically every species of animal, and believe you me they have their hands full! In some laboratories, primates are being rigorously forced through difficult tests, and on some farming facilities belonging to today’s big corporations, such as the large restaurant chain known as Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), animals are being harvested in an inhumane manner. Among the worst cases is the solicitation of â€Å"crush films†, in which puppies and small, cute animals are â€Å"slowly crushed or impaled by women wearing heels,†reports David Michael (2010). These videos were banned in 1999 by the Supreme Court, until the federal law had overreached, and the law was overturned. These acts are clear examples of cruelty towards animals, and can never be truly justified. If we take the rights steps, in a warranted and honest manner, then we can stop animal abuse, and save future species from an unruly and unjustified future as slaves to man-kind. There also exists a whole other group of people who believe that life is just a game of the survival of the fittest, which is similar to the point of view of Wesley J. Smith, author of A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy: The Human Cost of the Animal Rights Movement. He, and many others, believe that â€Å"valuing humans over animals is a form of discrimination†against humans, which he describes in his new book published in 2010. He also tells us that giving animals the same legal status takes away from who we are, as the dominant species of Earth. I personally, do not believe this is completely true. We moved these creatures out of their homes to build our houses and buildings, and then polluted them with the carbon outputs of our cities and towns. This makes it our responsibility to help them find new homes any way we can. On the other hand, he did mention something I could partially relate to. â€Å"Humans do indeed have a moral obligation to promote animal welfare, but they are also entitled to use animals, particularly if the use of animals alleviates human suffering.†I can get behind this statement to some extent. There are hundreds of scientists using animals to research possible cures for certain diseases that affect thousands of humans daily. However, harming these animals would be completely unacceptable. We could use alternative solutions, like observing animals in their natural habitats, if possible, and study them there, or at least let them go, unharmed, after the experiment is completed. Although many groups and individuals are taking the right steps to put an end to this epidemic, not everyone likes to play by the rules. There have been numerous cases of arson, theft, and animal right activists terrorizing companies that test on animals. In fact, â€Å"fifty-one out of fifty-eight of the incidents of domestic terrorism identified in the FBI’s report Terrorism 2002-2005 were suspected to have been perpetrated by animal rights activists,†claims Smith (2010). â€Å"Which is surprisingly violent for its (animal rights movement) allegedly non-violent goals,†agrees David Michael (2010). Some of the more extreme cases include lighting entire laboratories on fire, death threats, and, in 2007, a researcher’s children being sent HIV-infected needles in the mail. Even PETA is not completely innocent of such acts. In 1995, they donated over $45 000 to the defense funds of Rodney Coronado, who was guilty of burning down a Michigan State laboratory. PETA finds these are â€Å"acceptable crimes†¦when used for the animal cause,†says Alex Pacheco, a co-founder of PETA. They also compared animal cruelty to the Holocaust in one of their many campaigns, to get their message across crystal clear, which offended many members of the public, and therefore raised many eyebrows. I believe that we must find was to eliminate animal abuse with this ‘militaristic’ component. In conclusion, I believe that, a long time ago, before man first started his evolutionary track, a balance of rights and respect between our kind and the rest of the world’s fauna existed. However, as we evolved, this balance shifted into our favor. We became the dominant exception in the Animal Kingdom, removing inferior species from their homes, either by enslaving or killing them. This behavior is unacceptable, and must be stopped, because of its excessive injustice towards animals. I also believe that organizations like PETA are on the right track. In order to make change, we have to fight for it, but to certain extents. Arson and burglary are deplorable, and will only make the problem even worse. We must deal with these issues in a civilized and organized manner. Burning laboratories simply won’t do. Once these steps are taken, and if we are able to treat animals with the respect and value, we will be able to coexist in harmony with the rest of the Animal Kingdom, and the balance we once had can be restored. Works Cited Michael, D. (2010, July 21st). Animal Spirits. Retrieved July 30th, 2010, from the Book:
Friday, August 16, 2019
The pros and cons in combating hiv/aids among its south african workforce
Anglo Americans constitute a highly recognized and profitable mining company in the world, operating in more than 50 countries including South Africa. Other than its objective of high financial goals the company has developed five development principles sustainably and one of these is creating a meaningful and safe environment for a healthy working atmosphere, for instance the effort in HIV/AIDS prevention program (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc 2007).Due to a high number of the company workers (about 62%) being based in South Africa mining fields (a place with high rate of HIV infections), it became then significant because HIV infection became a serious health and operation stress threat in this mining area.Due to high infections within the strong working forces, sick individuals are usually absent from duties, cost of treatment and hospitalization increases and this leads to the general decline in the productivity.Necessity for a business action was made more critical on the i dea that there is failure of the African governments to arrest HIV virus spread due to poor and infective national prevention programs such as anti-retro viral (ART) usage for infected individuals of whom a very low percentage (about 23%) receives it according to world Health Organization estimates.Anglo Americans strategies in combating HIV/AIDS in the South African working forceThe company developed policies in the HIV infection control program and this was targeted on zero rating of three functions; new HIV infections, zero / any sickness or death of its employees from AIDS and Zero chances of employees giving birth to HIV positive children.To achieve these targets a framework was laid and this suggested that, there will be no tolerance to discrimination, stigmatization or human rights breach on the basis of HIV/AIDS infections within its workers.This follows dynamic HIV prevention programs, including voluntary counseling and testing, provision of free Anti-retro viral drugs to t he infected, involvement of the other partners in their programs for instance non-governmental organizations, the government and international sponsors and by lastly doing an evaluation and monitoring program on the achievement of these laid targets.
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