Friday, May 31, 2019
Eulogy for Friend :: Eulogies Eulogy
Eulogy for FriendToday we celebrate the manners of my dear friend, Jerome. Jerome, you were my teacher, my wise man and my dear friend. You provided me your pleader and wisdom. You divided your joyous smile and laugh. You shared your zest for life and the passion for all those things that were important to you. I get by you would want me to share my Jerome story with e trulyone. It is the story of a teacher and school-age child, a learn and a friend.In 1984, Jeromes first year at Duke, I was a first year law student. Jerome was my professor for Torts. We all got to know Jerome as more than just a professor. He joined in our afterwards class pick-up basketball games and ran the court with his students. I had no idea at that metre how important Jerome would become in my life.During my first year of law school, I was particularly challenged by the workload and my concerns about my ability to do as intimately as my peers. Jerome and I had many personal conversations where he enc ouraged me and told me to corroborate working sternly. He assured me my performance would ultimately be reflective of how hard I worked.The first year of law school was truly tight for me financially as my fathers business had previously gone into bankruptcy leaving me with very limited family support. I had to finance my entire first year with student loans. Although I had done quite well academically my first year, thanks to Jeromes continued support, I made a difficult life close to drop out after my first year due to my financial difficulties. The same day I met with the Dean to discuss my decision, I later ran into Jerome bordering the student lounge. He knew something was not right and asked me if I wanted to talk. We then had other one of those personal conversations where I so much appreciated his counsel and insight.After my semester off, I returned to school with a new scholarship from Duke but lock no place to live or means to support myself. Jerome very gracious ly offered me the opportunity to live in the upper floor of his home neighboring(a) to East Campus. This was rent free in exchange for helping him cakehole up his house. Jerome allowed me to stay there through graduation. Jerome became a great friend and mentor to me as I always turned to him to discuss lifes challenges and opportunities.Eulogy for Friend Eulogies EulogyEulogy for FriendToday we celebrate the life of my dear friend, Jerome. Jerome, you were my teacher, my mentor and my dear friend. You provided me your counsel and wisdom. You shared your joyous smile and laugh. You shared your zest for life and the passion for all those things that were important to you. I know you would want me to share my Jerome story with everyone. It is the story of a teacher and student, a mentor and a friend.In 1984, Jeromes first year at Duke, I was a first year law student. Jerome was my professor for Torts. We all got to know Jerome as more than just a professor. He joined in our after class pick-up basketball games and ran the court with his students. I had no idea at that time how important Jerome would become in my life.During my first year of law school, I was particularly challenged by the workload and my concerns about my ability to do as well as my peers. Jerome and I had many personal conversations where he encouraged me and told me to keep working hard. He assured me my performance would ultimately be reflective of how hard I worked.The first year of law school was very difficult for me financially as my fathers business had previously gone into bankruptcy leaving me with very limited family support. I had to finance my entire first year with student loans. Although I had done quite well academically my first year, thanks to Jeromes continued support, I made a difficult life decision to drop out after my first year due to my financial difficulties. The same day I met with the Dean to discuss my decision, I later ran into Jerome near the student lounge. He knew something was not right and asked me if I wanted to talk. We then had another one of those personal conversations where I so much appreciated his counsel and insight.After my semester off, I returned to school with a new scholarship from Duke but still no place to live or means to support myself. Jerome very graciously offered me the opportunity to live in the upper floor of his home adjacent to East Campus. This was rent free in exchange for helping him fix up his house. Jerome allowed me to stay there through graduation. Jerome became a great friend and mentor to me as I always turned to him to discuss lifes challenges and opportunities.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
B.F. Skinner :: essays research papers
B.F. muleteer Skinner believed in Behavioristic theories. When needing behaviorist theories you investigate the role of learning in the development of personality. The psychologist study conditions and situations that affect the learning of behavior. Skinner defines personality in terms of behavior. B.F. Skinner was born March 20, 1904, in the small Pennsylvania town of Susquehanna. His father was a lawyer, and his mother a strong and intelligent housewife. His childhood was old-fashioned and hard-working. He wanted to be a writer and did try, sending off poetry and piteous stories. When he graduated, he built a study in his parents attic to concentrate, but it just wasnt working for him. At Harvard he got his masters in psychology in 1930 and his doctorate in 1931, and stayed there to do research until 1936. He was perhaps the most celebrated psychologist since Sigmund Freud. His first theory was of reinfor cement. When a behavior is reinforced, or rewarded the chances of that happening again are likely. He is saying by reinforcement if the person knows they leave behind get rewarded for it they will continue to do it. Skinner noted that the learning process should be divided into "a very large number of very small steps and reinforcement must be contingent upon the accomplishment of each step." Skinner also stated that by making the steps of learning small, the frequency of reinforcement can be increase and the frequency of being wrong is reduced. Another theory was that of punishment. He says in this way he does not approve. Skinner says that punishing a child for something will make him not do it again and that is good in some cases, but what if your parents are abusive. He says that the theory of rewarding is the way to go and punishment is not strengthening behavior, it is lessening the likelihood of that behavior to happen again.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Acid Rain :: Environment Ecology Nature Essays Papers
sulphurous RainIf it was possible to peer into the future and trip up the environmental consequences of mankinds work outions, humanitys harmful contributions to the highly hotic f exclusivelywater levels would be apparent. perceive the possibility of a tragic environment in the future would change the ways we treat our environment today and forever. The environment receives its main punishments from a configuration of sources, ranging from car smog to industrial smog and waste. erosive rain, fog, sleet and snow all have severely harmful feigns on our environment. In order to encourage our environment, humans need to be conscious of the results of their actions and act responsibly to s unhopeful down, if not stop, the negative effects of acid rain on our plant, animal and human life.Acid rain is rain with a low PH level. A scale ranging from zero to fourteen defines the ph scale, with zero representing the some acidic, fourteen representing the most basic ph levels and seven representing neutral. Acid rain can formulate from sulfur and nitrogen, which is emmited by cars and burn fired generators. America and Europe are the leading in the war against acid rain, and are fight to protect our health and environment. One way these two regions are attempting to reduce acid rain is by encouraging the use of natural gases rather than coal in power plants. This is useful because natural gases contain less sulfur. Acid rain is detrimental to all living organisms and needs to be decreased.Acid rain affects the entire environment, especially plants and animals. One of the most harmful effects acid rain has on the ecosystem is its ending of plant life. Acid rain containing highly acidic ph levels also greatly affects animal lives. After falling, acid rain flows directly from the plants, through the turning point and into a stream, river or lake, where it can dramatically affect aquatic life. During the flow of acid rain through soils and int o the watershed system, aluminum is picked up and dispersed into the nigh streams, rivers and lakes. Aquatic life can live with a below normal acid level, but the additional aluminum deposited into the reservoir greatly affects the fish. All eupnoeic organisms are also affected by the acid rain pollutants distributed into the air. The major source of these air pollutants is nitrogen oxide from vehicles and industrial sites where fossil fuels are burned.Acid Rain Environment Ecology Nature Essays PapersAcid RainIf it was possible to peer into the future and see the environmental consequences of mankinds actions, humans harmful contributions to the highly acidic rain levels would be apparent. Seeing the possibility of a tragic environment in the future would change the ways we treat our environment today and forever. The environment receives its main punishments from a variety of sources, ranging from car smog to industrial smog and waste. Acid rain, fog, sleet and snow all have severely harmful affects on our environment. In order to protect our environment, humans need to be conscious of the results of their actions and act responsibly to slow down, if not stop, the negative effects of acid rain on our plant, animal and human life.Acid rain is rain with a low PH level. A scale ranging from zero to fourteen defines the ph scale, with zero representing the most acidic, fourteen representing the most basic ph levels and seven representing neutral. Acid rain can formulate from sulfur and nitrogen, which is emmited by cars and coal fired generators. America and Europe are the leaders in the war against acid rain, and are fighting to protect our health and environment. One way these two regions are attempting to reduce acid rain is by encouraging the use of natural gases rather than coal in power plants. This is useful because natural gases contain less sulfur. Acid rain is detrimental to all living organisms and needs to be decreased.Acid rain aff ects the entire environment, especially plants and animals. One of the most harmful effects acid rain has on the ecosystem is its destruction of plant life. Acid rain containing highly acidic ph levels also greatly affects animal lives. After falling, acid rain flows directly from the plants, through the watershed and into a stream, river or lake, where it can dramatically affect aquatic life. During the flow of acid rain through soils and into the watershed system, aluminum is picked up and dispersed into the nearby streams, rivers and lakes. Aquatic life can live with a below normal acid level, but the additional aluminum deposited into the reservoir greatly affects the fish. All breathing organisms are also affected by the acid rain pollutants distributed into the air. The major source of these air pollutants is nitrogen oxide from vehicles and industrial sites where fossil fuels are burned.
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